威廉王子 | 2024年“零轻生”国际峰会致辞

威廉王子 | 2024年“零轻生”国际峰会致辞


Thank you for inviting me to join you today. I'm so sorry I can't be there in person, but I hope you allowing me to say a few words or be virtually. Suicide prevention is an issue which I hold very close to my heart. And I'm delighted that today's summit is being held here in the UK for the first time.感谢你们邀请我参加今天的会议。很抱歉我不能亲临现场,但我希望通过视频方式和各位说几句话。预防轻生是我非常关心的一个问题,今天的峰会首次在英国举行我感到非常高兴。
Sadly I have seen and felt the impact of suicide firsthand. My first call out as a pilot for the East Anglia air ambulance was to a suicide. My memory of that call out is as clear as if it was yesterday.遗憾的是,我曾亲眼目睹并体会到了轻生的影响。作为东英吉利空中救护队的飞行员,我第一次出警就是为了处理一起轻生事件。我对那次出警的记忆清晰得就像昨天发生的一样。
Devastatingly, 700,000 people die by suicide across the world every year and 6,000 of those are in the UK. The evidence suggests that mental ill health is a more pressing problem than ever before. One in five of us will experience suicidal thoughts over our lifetime. That is why this year's summit is so important.令人痛心的是,全球每年有70万人自杀身亡,其中6000案例发生在英国。有证据表明,精神疾病是一个比以往任何时候都更为紧迫的问题。在我们的一生中,每五个人中就有一人会有轻生的念头。这就是为什么今年的峰会如此重要。
And by coming together today, I hope that you are able to share best practice and discuss how support and attention can be mobilized across the globe. Initiatives such as the Zero Suicide Alliance help highlight how we can all support suicide awareness and prevention.今天大家齐聚于此,我希望各位能够分享最佳实践方案,并讨论如何在全球调动支持和关注。“零轻生联盟”等倡议有助于突出我们大家如何支持预防轻生意识。
Nearly 2.7 million people have accessed its suicide prevention training. Here in Liverpool Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust is actively working to seek out new ways to prevent mental health crisis.近270万人接受了该联盟的预防轻生培训。在利物浦,默西护理NHS基金会信托正在积极寻找新的方法来预防心理健康危机。
I have visited many suicide prevention and support services over the years, including the Innovative Life Rooms in Liverpool back in 2017. And more recently, James's places sanctuaries which also began life here and are now being rolled out across the country.多年来,我参观过许多预防轻生和支持服务机构,包括2017年利物浦的创新生命室。而最近,詹姆斯避难所也在利物浦诞生,目前正在全国范围内推广。
I'm immensely proud of the UK's role in helping Advance Suicide Prevention Techniques which are shared around the world. We're all extremely grateful for your commitment to such an important cause. And I hope the summit with all the ideas and expertise within it can make real strides towards eliminating suicide.我为英国在帮助推进预防轻生技术方面所发挥的作用感到无比自豪,这些技术已在世界各地得到共享。非常感谢你们对这项如此重要事业做出的承诺。我希望这次峰会及其中的所有创意和专业知识能够在消除轻生现象方面取得真正的进展。
Thank you!谢谢!

