The very quiet cricket 安静的蟋蟀(外教全英)

The very quiet cricket 安静的蟋蟀(外教全英)









One warm day, from a tiny egg a little cricket was born.

Welcome! chirped a big cricket, rubbing his wings together.


The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together.

But nothing happened. Not a sound.

Good morning! whizzed a locust, spinning through the air.

The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together.

But nothing happened. Not a sound.

Hello! whispered a praying mantis, scraping its huge front legs together.

The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together.

But nothing happened. Not a sound.

Good day! crunched a worm, munching its way out of an apple. 

The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together.

But nothing happened. Not a sound.

Hi! bubbled a spittlebug, slurping in a sea of froth. 

The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together.

But nothing happened. Not a sound.

Good afternoon! screeched a cicada, clinging to a branch of a tree. 

The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together.

But nothing happened. Not a sound.

How are you! hummed a bumblebee, flying from flower to flower. 

The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together.

But nothing happened. Not a sound.


Good evening! whirred a dragonfly, gliding above the water.

The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together.

But nothing happened. Not a sound.

Good night! buzzed the mosquitoes, dancing among the stars. 

The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together.

But nothing happened. Not a sound.

A luna moth sailed quietly through the night.

And the cricket enjoyed the stillness.

As the luna moth disappeared silently into the distance, the cricket saw another cricket.


She, too, was a very quiet cricket.

Then he rubbed his wings together one more time.

And this time ……

…he chirped the most beautiful sound that she had ever heard.




  • 丁子_a0


  • 嫩头_l2

    不惊扰别人的宁静,就是慈悲;不伤害别人的自尊,就是善良当你拒绝外界的歧视的时候,你也在拒绝外界的帮助莫唱当年长恨歌,人间亦自有银河不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过往。每个人都有自己故事,只是演绎的方式不同在我熄灭之前,能够照亮你一点,就是我所能做的了泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去温柔要有,但不是妥协,我们要在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强为你加油!!!!!!  ☆ * .  ☆   . ∧_∧ ∩ * ☆ * ☆ ( ・∀・)/ .  . ⊂   ノ* ☆ ☆ * (つ ノ .☆    (ノ•̀.̫•́✧健健康康健健康康

  • 嫩头_l2


  • 嫩头_l2


  • 嫩头_l2


  • 嫩头_l2


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