艾迪·雷德梅尼 | 朗读一战圣诞书信

艾迪·雷德梅尼 | 朗读一战圣诞书信


I’ve just been through one of the most extraordinary scenes imaginable. To-night is Xmas Eve, and I came up into the trenches this evening for my tour of duty in them.


Firing was going on all the time. And the enemy’s machine guns were at it hard, firing at us.


Then about seven, the firing stopped. I was in my dug-out, reading a paper. It was reported that the Germans had lighted their trenches up all along our front.


We had been calling to one another for some time Xmas wishes and other things. I went out, and they shouted “No shooting!” All our men got out of their trenches, and sat on the parapet. Then the Germans did the same, and they talked to one another in English and broken English.


I got on top of the trench, and asked a German to sing a folk song, which he did. Then our men sang. Quite well! And each side cheered and clapped the other. Then we wished one another goodnight, and a good night’s rest and a happy Xmas, and parted with a salute.


Then our men sang Christians Awake, it sounded so well. And with a goodnight we all got back into our trenches. It was a curious scene, a lovely moonlit night. The German trenches with small lights on them, and the soldiers gathered in groups on the parapets.


The officer I spoke to hopes we shall do the same on New Year’s Day. I said “Yes, if I am here…”


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