第2295期:US Reporter Used AI to Create False Quotes for Stories(2)

第2295期:US Reporter Used AI to Create False Quotes for Stories(2)


Baker wrote that when asked about suspicions surrounding his work, Pelczar answered, “Obviously I’ve never intentionally tried to misquote anybody.”Baker 写道,当被问及围绕他工作的疑虑时,Pelczar 回答说:“显然,我从未有意尝试误引任何人的话。”

When asked whether any of the disputed statements in his writings had been by created by an AI tool, Pelczar said, “That could be the case.” Baker said Pelczar then added, “But again, if there are issues I will correct them and issue apologies and say they are misstatements.”当被问及他写作中有争议的陈述是否由 AI 工具生成时,Pelczar 说:“可能是这样。”Baker 说 Pelczar 随后补充道:“但同样,如果有问题,我会纠正它们并道歉,并声明它们是错误陈述。”

After closely examining Pelczar’s articles, Bacon and the publisher of the Enterprise discovered the use of AI and apologized for his actions. In an editorial published recently, Enterprise Editor Chris Bacon admitted he had “failed to catch” the AI-written copy and false quotes. He added that the mistake had permitted AI “to put words that were never spoken into stories.”在仔细审查了 Pelczar 的文章后,Bacon 和《科迪企业报》的出版人发现了他使用 AI 的行为,并为此道歉。在最近发表的一篇社论中,《科迪企业报》编辑 Chris Bacon 承认自己“未能发现”由 AI 撰写的文本和虚假引语。他补充说,这一错误使 AI“在报道中添加了从未说过的话”。

Bacon said the Enterprise discovered at least seven stories that included AI-created quotes. Two of the questioned stories included false quotes from Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon.Bacon 表示,《科迪企业报》发现了至少七篇包含 AI 生成引语的报道。其中两篇有问题的报道包含了怀俄明州州长 Mark Gordon 的虚假引语。

Bacon said some of the quotes appeared “very believable.” He noted that the people he spoke with during his investigation said the quotes sounded like something they might have said. But they never personally spoke to Pelczar.Bacon 说,其中一些引语看起来“非常可信。”他指出,在调查过程中与他交谈的人表示,这些引语听起来像是他们可能会说的话。但他们从未与 Pelczar 进行过个人交谈。

Other reporters have had their careers hurt or ended for making up facts or quotes in articles. There are also others who have been accused of plagiarism, which involves a reporter publishing the writings of others without giving those reporters credit for the material.其他记者因在文章中捏造事实或引语而使职业生涯受到影响甚至终结。还有一些人被指控剽窃,即记者在发表他人作品时未给予那些作者应有的荣誉。

But media experts say the recent incident involving Pelczar demonstrates the possible dangers that exist when reporters and editors depend on AI tools in the news production process.但媒体专家表示,最近涉及 Pelczar 的事件表明,当记者和编辑在新闻制作过程中依赖 AI 工具时,可能存在的危险。

Megan Barton is publisher of the Cody Enterprise. She wrote an editorial that described AI as “the new, advanced form of plagiarism and in the field of media and writing.”Megan Barton 是《科迪企业报》的出版人。她在一篇社论中将 AI 描述为“剽窃的新型高级形式,尤其是在媒体和写作领域。”

Barton noted the newspaper now has a system in place to recognize AI-generated stories and will “have longer conversations about how AI-generated stories are not acceptable.”Barton 指出,报社现在已经有了一套识别 AI 生成报道的系统,并将“进行更深入的讨论,说明 AI 生成的报道是不可接受的。”

