第2294期:US Reporter Used AI to Create False Quotes for Stories(1)

第2294期:US Reporter Used AI to Create False Quotes for Stories(1)


An American newspaper reporter has resigned from his job after it was discovered that he used an artificial intelligence (AI) tool to create false quotes for stories.一名美国报纸记者在被发现使用人工智能(AI)工具为报道创造虚假引语后辞去了工作。

Aaron Pelczar worked for the Cody Enterprise, a newspaper based in the town of Cody, Wyoming. A reporter from a competing newspaper became suspicious about Pelczar’s stories and asked to meet with him. Pelczar admitted to using AI to create parts of stories. He later quit his position with the Enterprise.Aaron Pelczar 供职于位于怀俄明州科迪镇的《科迪企业报》。一家竞争报纸的记者对Pelczar的报道产生了怀疑,并要求与他见面。Pelczar 承认使用 AI 创作了部分报道内容。后来,他辞去了在《科迪企业报》的职务。

The reporter who discovered the AI-assisted stories was CJ Baker. He works for the Powell Tribune, a newspaper in the neighboring town of Powell.发现这些 AI 辅助报道的记者是 CJ Baker。他在邻近的鲍威尔镇的《鲍威尔论坛报》工作。

Baker told The Associated Press he discovered several writing examples that made him suspicious about Pelczar’s work. He said some of the writing sounded unnatural or robotic. But one part of a story stood out as possibly being false. It was contained in a June 26 article about comedian Larry the Cable Guy being chosen to lead a local parade.Baker 对美联社表示,他发现了几个使他对 Pelczar 的工作产生怀疑的写作实例。他说有些写作听起来不自然或像机器人写的。但有一部分内容显得可能是虚假的。这段内容出现在6月26日的一篇报道中,内容是关于喜剧演员 Larry the Cable Guy 被选为当地游行的领队。

The story ended with a very unusual line that had nothing to do with the story’s subject. Rather, it seemed to provide an explanation of the method it used to build the story. The line read, “This structure ensures that the most critical information is presented first, making it easier for readers to grasp the main points quickly.”这篇报道的结尾有一句非常不寻常的话,和报道的主题毫无关系。相反,它似乎是在解释构建报道的方法。这句话是:“这种结构确保了最关键信息被首先呈现,使读者更容易迅速掌握要点。”

Baker, who has been a reporter for more than 15 years, said after reading the story he decided to do additional research on other pieces written by Pelczar. He later decided to set up a meeting with Pelczar to discuss his concerns. He was able to meet with Pelczar and the editor of the Enterprise, Chris Bacon.已有超过15年记者经验的 Baker 说,在阅读这篇报道后,他决定对 Pelczar 撰写的其他作品进行额外的研究。后来,他决定与 Pelczar 安排一次会面,讨论他的担忧。他成功与 Pelczar 以及《科迪企业报》的编辑 Chris Bacon 进行了会面。

Baker wrote an article in his own newspaper about his findings. He described his meeting with Pelczar and Bacon as uncomfortable, but friendly.Baker 在自己的报纸上撰写了一篇关于他发现的文章。他形容与 Pelczar 和 Bacon 的会面虽然令人不适,但还是友好的。

