乔安娜·林莉 | 英式下午茶指南

乔安娜·林莉 | 英式下午茶指南


May I offer you some tea, Madam?需要上茶吗,夫人?
Yes, please. Lovely! This looks divine. I'd love some milk.是的,那太好了!看起来完美,我需要一点牛奶。
Luxury for me is doing something utterly unnecessary, in the most immaculate way. And there's no finer example of that than the full-blown English tea in Ralph Lauren Wimbledon. There's always been a sort of Englishness, the link between tea and tennis and the English garden.对我来说,奢华就是用最完美的方式,做一些完全不必要的事情。拉夫·劳伦温布尔登餐厅的英式茶点就是最好的例子。英式下午茶、网球和英国花园之间联系,就是英伦风一直都在。
In the olden days people used to have afternoon tea like this. Well, maybe not quite as lavish as this, every single day and it seems to have sort of dwindled away and I don't know why. I mean nowadays people say to me do you want to grab a latte? And I go, no.过去的人们每天都喝这样的下午茶,也许没有这么奢华,但每天都会有。现在喝下午茶的人好像越来越少了,我也不知道为什么。现在人们会对我说,你想喝杯拿铁吗?我说谢谢,不用了。
Afternoon tea is absolutely vital, because you need to take a little break. I could clear the whole lot of this in about 15 minutes, because I didn't have breakfast. Well, I had a light breakfast and I eschewed lunch. Well I didn't actually. I had a very slight lunch.喝下午茶是非常重要的,因为你需要稍作休息。因为我没吃早餐,所以我可以在十五分钟内吃完所有的东西。我早餐吃得很简单,午餐也没吃。实际上我吃过午餐了,但只吃了一点点。
I had an uncle who said that if you wanted to recharge yourself to get on with the rest of the day, he used to call it restringing your racket. I'm restringing my racket now.我有个叔叔说,如果你想给自己充电,以便继续一天的工作,他把这叫做“重新给球拍上弦”。我现在就在给球拍重新上弦。
In tennis, this is how the scoring goes: Love, 15, 30, 40. See there's no sense in it. And there's no real sense in a cucumber sandwich. Because on a scorching hot day, nobody really says, I'm absolutely exhausted and boiling. May I have a cucumber sandwich? He heard me. Wasn't that enchanting?网球比赛是这样计分的:爱,15,30,40 。你看,这其实毫无意义。黄瓜三明治也没什么意义, 因为在烈日炎炎的日子里没人会说:“我已经筋疲力尽,热血沸腾了,我能吃个黄瓜三明治吗?他听见我说这些,是不是觉得很迷人?
It's terribly important that you do take the skins off, because otherwise it gives grandmothers sort of indigestion. And what you can do is that you can take a piece like this. And you eat a little bit of it here elegantly. And then the rest, put in your bag and eat during a long tie break.把黄瓜去皮非常重要,否则会让老奶奶们消化不良。你能做的就是像这样拿一块,在这里优雅地吃一点,然后把剩下的放进包里,在接下来漫长的休息时间把它吃掉。
One thing about a scone, here they are, is that you don't cut them. You break them with your hands like that. Look, they break beautifully. There's a little scone broken for you. Then the big debate, which goes on first? The clotted cream, the double cream or the jam?烤饼有一个特点,就是你不用切,而是像这样用手掰开。看,掰得多漂亮。这是为你掰开的小烤饼。然后是大争论——先抹凝脂奶油、双层奶油还是果酱?
You know sometimes when you think the players are looking up to their coaches, they're looking at me. We, sitting in the stands and watching them, are dressed up as we're going to a garden party at Buckingham Palace and I adore that.有时候你觉得球员们在看教练,其实他们是在看我。我们坐在看台上看着他们,打扮得就像去参加白金汉宫的花园派对,我很喜欢这种感觉。
If you're lucky enough, and I am, you wear Ralph Lauren, because I wouldn't wear anything else. But you can wear whatever you like, but you've got to make a bit of an effort. Not too sparkly. Don't go mad and sparkly.如果你像我一样足够幸运,穿着拉夫·劳伦的衣服,因为我不会穿别的衣服。但你也可以穿任何你喜欢的衣服,但你得花点功夫,让自己的服饰不要太闪亮,别太夸张。
Also the players hate it if you twinkle too much, but they've got used to just seeing me, just glimmering, a shimmer of gold and they look for a really well-cut jacket and they think that's Joanna and they feel safe in their playing.球员们也不喜欢你穿的太闪亮,但他们已经习惯了只看到我闪闪发光,闪着金光,他们会寻找穿着一件剪裁得体的夹克的人,他们觉得那就是乔安娜,他们在比赛中会感到安心。
I just wear white because also I have that feeling that at some stage somebody will spray in their ankle, the match won't be able to continue, and I can stand up and they'll say, Joanna, Joanna, will you, will you stand in and play?我只穿白色的衣服,因为我也有这样的感觉,在比赛时有人的脚踝会受伤,比赛将无法继续,而我可以站起来,他们会说,乔安娜,乔安娜,你能站起来打球吗?
May I have some strawberries, please? Thank you.能给我一些草莓吗?谢谢!
Pimms or champagne?水果鸡尾酒还是香槟?
Both, please. Tis Wimbledon after all.都要,毕竟是温布尔登网球赛。
Gosh, I adore tennis.天哪,我爱死网球赛了。

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