英国首相基尔·斯塔默 | 就英国突发暴力骚乱发表讲话

英国首相基尔·斯塔默 | 就英国突发暴力骚乱发表讲话


I utterly condemn the far-right thuggery we've seen this weekend. Be in no doubt, those that have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law. The police will be making arrests. Individuals will be held on remand. Charges will follow and convictions will follow.我强烈谴责本周末发生的极右暴行。毫无疑问的是,参与此次暴力事件的人将受到法律的严惩,警方将对参与者施逮捕,关押候审,随后将对其指控和定罪。
I guarantee you will regret taking part part in this disorder. Whether directly or those whipping up this action online, and then running away themselves. This is not protest. It is organized, violent, thuggery. And it has no place on our streets or online.我保证不论是直接参与,还是在网上煽动然后逃之夭夭的这些人,你们都会后悔参与这场暴乱。这不是抗议,这是有组织的暴力暴行,这种行为在我们的街头和网络上都没有任何立足之地。
Right now, there are attacks happening on a hotel in Rotherham. Marauding gangs intent on lawbreaking or worse. Windows smashed, fire set a blaze, residents and staff in absolute fear. There is no justification - none - for taking this action. And all right-minded people should be condemning this sort of violence.刺客,罗瑟勒姆的一家酒店正在遭受袭击。抢劫团伙意图犯法或做更坏的事。窗户被砸碎,大火熊熊燃烧,住客和员工处于极度恐惧之中。没有任何理由,没有任何理由,做出如此行径。所有有正义感的人都应该谴责这种暴力行为。
People in this country have a right to be safe. And yet, we've seen Muslim communities targeted, attacks on Mosques, other minority communities singled out, Nazi salutes in the street, attacks on the police, wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric.这个国家的人民有权享有安全的权利。然而,我们却看到穆斯林社区成为攻击目标,清真寺遭到袭击,其他少数族群被挑出来,暴徒在街上行纳粹礼,警察遭到袭击,种族主义言论伴随着肆无忌惮的暴力。
So no, I won't shy away from calling it what it is: far-right thuggery. To those who feel targeted because of the color of your skin...or your faith, I know how frightening this must be. I want you to know that this violent mob do not represent our country. And we will bring them to justice.因此,我会含不避讳将其称之为:极右暴行。对于那些因为你的肤色或你的信仰而感到成为攻击目标的人,我知道你们一定很害怕。但我希望你们知道,这群暴徒并不代表我们的国家。我们会将他们绳之以法。
Our police deserve our support, as they tackle any and all violent disorder that flares up. Whatever the apparent cause or motivation we make no distinction. Crime is crime, and this government will tackle it. Thank you!我们的警察值得我们的支持,因为他们正在处理所有突发的暴力骚乱。无论表面原因或动机如何,我们都将一视同仁。犯罪就是犯罪,本届政府将予以打击。谢谢大家!

