8.16 美音朗读版

8.16 美音朗读版

  • MissFang0000

    Every time seems like the worst time in history. People always find a way, and people always not only get through it, but they do well. Be strong. Work hard. Dress well.

  • 感性的洋葱头

    Every time seems like the worst time in history. People always find a way, and people always not only get through it, but they do well. Be strong. Work hard. Dress well.

  • 1353102rpkb

    Every time seems like the worst time in history. People always find a way, and people always not only get through it, but they do well. Be strong. Work hard. Dress well.

  • 听友375715917

    Every time seems like the worst time in history. People always find a way, and people always not only get through it, but they do well. Be strong. Work hard. Dress well. 每一个时期似乎都是最糟糕的时期。但人类总是能找到出路,他们不仅熬过来了,还能做的很好。变得坚强,工作努力,穿着体面。