第2287期:Ospreys: First breeding pair in Ireland for centuries

第2287期:Ospreys: First breeding pair in Ireland for centuries


This is not the first local sighting of ospreys – soaring birds of prey with long hazel-flecked wings, white feather crowns and distinctive eye stripes. But the presence of at least two osprey chicks has raised hopes that these raptors can establish a permanent colony in Ireland.这并不是人们第一次在爱尔兰当地目击鱼鹰,鱼鹰是一种飞禽,纤长的翅膀上有淡褐色斑点,头顶有白色羽冠,眼周有独特的条纹。人们至少看到了两只鱼鹰雏鸟,也正是它们的出现让人们相信这些猛禽有望在爱尔兰代代繁衍。

This successful breeding makes them the first known wild osprey chicks on the island of Ireland in modern times. Conservation group Ulster Wildlife are keeping the nest site confidential to protect them.雏鸟的成功出生意味着它们是现今爱尔兰岛上第一对已知存在的野生鱼鹰雏鸟。动物保护机构 “阿尔斯特野生动物” 为了保护它们,对筑巢地点保密。

Over their lifespan of 15 to 20 years, these migratory birds can rack up more than 160,000 miles of travel, but they always return to the same area every year.在鱼鹰 15 至 20 年的生命中,这些候鸟可飞行 16 万英里的距离,但它们每年都会返回同一地区进行繁殖。

Giles Knight, the environmental farming scheme adviser who found them said it was a rub-your-eyes, once-in-a-lifetime moment.发现鱼鹰雏鸟的环境农业计划顾问贾尔斯·奈特说,能够亲眼看到它们是一个不可思议、千载难逢的时刻。

Osprey populations were threatened in parts of North America in the 50s and 60s due to the use of pesticides and chemicals like DDT, which thin their eggshells and killed many birds.上世纪五六十年代,北美部分地区的鱼鹰种群的数量受到了威胁,原因是滴滴涕等杀虫剂和化学品的使用,使鱼鹰蛋的蛋壳变薄,并导致许多鱼鹰死亡。

But after these substances were banned, most osprey populations were able to recover. The birds were thought to have become extinct as a breeding bird in Ireland in the late 18th Century due to human impacts.但在这些化学物质被禁用后,大多数鱼鹰种群得以恢复生机。人们普遍认为,由于人类活动的影响,早在18世纪末,鱼鹰作为一种繁殖鸟类就已经在爱尔兰灭绝了。

Scientists say their return indicates a healthy wetland ecosystem with plenty of fish like pike, perch, and trout to sustain what could be a new dynasty of ospreys.科学家们表示,鱼鹰能回归此地表明了这里的湿地生态系统健康,并且有大量的梭子鱼、鲈鱼和鳟鱼等鱼类供鱼鹰在这里开启繁衍生息的新篇章。 

sighting 看到(罕见的人或物)
soaring 展翅翱翔的,飞翔的
birds of prey 猛禽
crowns 头顶
stripes 条纹
raptors 猛禽
colony 种群聚集地
breeding 繁殖
chicks 雏鸟
nest site 巢址
migratory birds 候鸟
rub-your-eyes “需要揉眼睛般” 不可思议的
once-in-a-lifetime 千载难逢的
eggshells 蛋壳
wetland ecosystem 湿地生态系统

