The Earth has already experienced a lot of suffering in the past from which she has managed to recover. She has experienced natural disasters such as collisions with other planets, meteorites, and asteroids, as well as severe periods of drought, forest fires, and earthquakes. Yet she has been able to restore herself after all these events. Now we are putting so much strain on the Earth by polluting the atmosphere, warming the planet, and poisoning the oceans, that she can’t heal on her own. The Earth has lost her equilibrium. We have lost our connection with the Earth and her natural rhythms. All of us have to accept responsibility for what is happening to the Earth, see our role in this process, and know what to do to protect Mother Earth.
We can’t just rely on her to take care of us; we also need to take care of her. Unless we restore the Earth’s balance, we will continue to cause destruction, and it will be difficult for life on Earth to continue. We need to realize that the conditions that will help to restore the necessary balance come from inside us, from our own mindfulness, our own level of awareness. Our own awakened consciousness is what can heal the Earth.