蒂尔达·斯文顿 | 谈电影《人造人》人工智能

蒂尔达·斯文顿 | 谈电影《人造人》人工智能


“That is so great.”太棒了!
I would suggest this film is more relevanttoday than it was when we made it. I think this suggestion of a benign universe in which machines and humans can not only interreact, but also be dependent on one another is not a bad thing to just bathe in for 90 minutes. Just as a little trial.我认为这部电影在今天比我们拍摄时更有意义。我认为在这个良性的宇宙中,机器和人类不仅可以相互影响,而且还可以相互依存。90分钟的时间在电影里度过并不是一件坏事。就当是一次小小的尝试吧。
My name is Tilda Swinton. For the purposes of thisinterview, I'm a performer and I'm here to talk about Lynn Hershman Leeson's "Teknolust."我是蒂尔达·斯文顿。此次采访我是一名表演者,今天我来这谈谈琳恩·赫什曼-李森导演的《人造人》。
Firstand foremost, I'd describe it as a fairy tale about loneliness above anything. It's about sort of cyber genius called Rosetta Stone, who cyber clones herself three times. Ruby red, Olive green, Marine blue, the pixels of the video.首先,我会把它描述成一部关于孤独的童话故事。它讲述了一个叫罗塞塔·斯通的网络天才 她通过网络克隆了自己三次红色露比、绿色奥里芙和蓝色马琳,她们都是视频中的像素。
So Rosetta has createdthese three SRAs self-replicating automata. She's never really explicit about why, but you get the sense that she's made them for company.罗塞塔制造了三个自我复制的机器人。她从来没有明确说明原因,但你能感觉到她是为了陪伴而制造出来的。
So I don't know that it's really aboutwomen, particularly. I think it's more more about humans and it is very much about humans, humans, machines. What's the difference?所以我不知道这是否真的与女性有关,尤其是女性。我认为它更多地是关于人类的,而且在很大程度上是关于人类和机器人的。但这又有什么分别呢。
It approaches the concept ofAI, but it's a benign world in which AI exists, and I think we're really out of touch with that. I'm not the first person to remind us that, you know, if a machine is soulless, then it's because no one bothered to put the soul in there.  它接近人工智能的概念,但它是一个人工智能存在的良性世界,我认为我们真的与之脱节了。我不是第一个提醒我们的人,如果一台机器没有灵魂,那是因为没有人费心把灵魂放进去。
Rosetta does put the soul into her SRAs. There issomething beautiful about the way they long for contact. You know, having had no sexual experience at all and not needing a man to create her family, I think is kind of a gender free zone in a way. It creates a gender free zone in that household.罗塞塔确实把灵魂融入到了她的机器人中。它们渴望接触的方式非常美妙。她完全没有性经验,也不需要男人来建立家庭,我认为这在某种程度上是一种性别自由区。在那个家庭里,它创造了一个无性别区。
"I trust Rosetta. After all, she's family.She's like our mother. She's our sister, she's our mother and our sister, she's our mother, our sister, our mother, our sister."“我信任罗塞塔。毕竟,她是我们的家人。她就像我们的母亲。她是我们的姐妹,她是我们的母亲,我们的姐妹,我们的母亲,我们的姐妹,我们的母亲,我们的姐妹。”
Rosetta, who I have a particular affectionfor, I have to say partly 'cause of the wig, which still looks on back to front, but the others had to be distinct. These impersonations, and they are impersonations of, of four versions of a person.罗塞塔,我对她特别有好感,我不得不说部分原因是她的假发。她的假发从后往前看还是一样的,但其他人的假发必须与众不同。其他人的装扮,是模仿罗塞塔的四个版本。
Ruby, who is the one who goes outto hunt and gather, needs to be programmed as a seductress as she sleeps. She has old Hollywood films playing over her so that she's downloading these pickup lines. What's the pickup line?露比是外出狩猎和采集的那个人,她在睡觉时需要被设定为一个诱惑者。她的耳边播放着好莱坞的老电影,这样她就能下载这类搭讪台词了。搭讪台词是什么?
"You're looking good, Frankie. You’ve got a natural rhythm."“你看起来不错,弗兰基。你有一种天生的节奏感。”
And she has to actually parrot it because she hasno innate impulse to be a seductress, because she's self replicated and she's kind of cordoned off and self supporting. That's something Tinder, Grinder say no more. I mean, this is is something that since we made the film, has become a sort of everyday part of many human lives.她必须像鹦鹉一样学舌,因为她是自我复制的机器人,没有天生的诱惑冲动。她是那种被警戒线封锁的自给者,这是廷德和格莱德所不能容忍的。我的意思是,自从我们制作这部电影以来,这已经成为许多人生活的一部分。
The lonelyend up with company, and that's a good ending, is really hopeful and very rare these days. It's very, very unusual for anybody to talk with. Such a sense of optimism about the relationship between AI and human energies.孤独的人最终有了伴,这是个好结局,是个充满希望的结局,在如今非常罕见。对任何人来说,人工智能和人类能量之间的关系如此乐观,这是很不寻常的。
Lynn Hershman Leeson is, she's a visionary in sometimes quite uncomfortable way. She doesn't really seem to recognize limitations, even in terms of limitations of thought. She just goes there and she very often goes there 20 years in advance of other people catching up to the same kind of thinking.琳恩·赫什曼-李森她是一个有远见的人,但有时会让人感觉不舒服。她似乎并没有真正意识到局限性,即使是在思想的局限性方面。她就是这样走了进去,而且往往比其他人早20年就进入了同样的思维模式。
And I think this film is a realexample of that. It's a sort of ridiculous sci-fi comedy with people in, you know, monochrome clothes and driving fantastic little green electric cars around San Francisco, you know, and, and it's, it's ludicrous. The film is ludicrous, sets out to be ludicrous, but we always wanted it to be rough.我觉得这部电影就是一个很好的例子。这是一部荒诞的科幻喜剧,人们穿着单色的衣服,开着奇妙的绿色小电动车在旧金山兜风。这部电影是很滑稽的,它的出发点是滑稽的,但我们一直希望它是这种给人粗糙的感觉。
I suppose thefirst thing about film about cinema is just the opportunity to be quiet and to observe what somebody might be looking at themselves. And that may sound like a very mundane point, but that's rare.我想,电影的第一件事就是让人有机会静下心来,观察别人在看什么。这可能听起来很庸俗,但却很难得。
And so as such, it's an empathymachine. It's an opportunity to temporarily for whatever, 90 minutes or these days, three hours, to suspend your own attachments, just to have that sort of opening is really I think an incredible force for social change.因此,它是一台移情机器。这是一个暂停的机会,不管是90分钟还是现在的3个小时,暂时放下你自己的附属物,只要有这种开放的机会,我认为就是一种不可思议的社会变革力量。

