


The country of Georgia is situated in the Caucasus region, located at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, bordered by Russia, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Georgia occupies a strategic position along the corridor between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.


George's diverse landscape ranges from coastal plains along the Black Sea to forested foothills and the Greater Caucasus Mountains. The climate varies from humid, subtropical on the coast to Alpine in the mountains.


The Caucasus Mountains divide Georgia into eastern and western halves with distinct climate patterns. The major geographic regions of Georgia are the western lowlands, feature temperate forests, rolling farmland, viticulture regions, and the harbors of Poti and Batumi. This is the most populated part of Georgia.


The eastern mountains and valleys are more rugged and isolated, home to unique towns and the wine growing region ofCaquettti. High mountain passes connect east and west Georgia. These autonomous republics occupy areas along the Black Sea coast with distinct local cultures. This mountainous region bordering Russia has been at the center of Georgia's territorial disputes and conflict.


Georgia's main rivers are the Makvari and Rioni, flowing westward into the Black Sea. The vast majority of rivers originate in the Caucasus Mountains. Notable lakes includeParavani andTabatscuri in the south. The capital, tibilisi, located in the eastern heartland, has over 1 million inhabitants. Other important cities include the Black Sea ports of to me and Poti Kutaisi in west Georgia andTalavi in the winemakingCaquettti region.

格鲁吉亚的主要河流是Makvari和里奥尼河,向西流入黑海。绝大多数河流都发源于高加索山脉。值得注意的湖泊包括南部的Paravani和Tabatscuri。首都第比利斯位于东部中心地带,有超过100万居民。其它重要城市包括我所在的黑海港口、西乔治亚州的Poti Kutaisi和酿酒地区卡凯蒂(Caquettti)的Talavi。

The earliest civilizations emerged in the land of present day Georgia around the 6th century BC, including the kingdoms of cultists and Iberia. These kingdoms were mentioned in Greek mythology and developed distinct local cultures while maintaining ties with the wider Greek world. George's coastline along the Black Sea was an important region for trade and commerce in the ancient era.


Georgia adopted Christianity as a state religion in the 4th century ad, giving rise to a distinct Georgian Christian identity. The Bagratione dynasty rose to prominence in the 8th century and would rule Georgia for over a millennium, overseeing a golden age of art, literature and architecture. However, they also faced repeated invasions by the Mongols, Persians and Ottomans throughout the medieval period, leading to instability and warfare.


After a series of wars with the Persian and Ottoman empires, Georgia was annexed by the Russian Empire in the early 19th century. Though it maintained its Christianity and cultural traditions, it was ruled by Moscow as a Russian province for over a century. Georgia briefly gained independence after the 1917 Russian Revolution, but was invaded by the Red Army and absorbed into the Soviet Union in 1921. As part of the Soviet Union, it underwent industrialization and economic development, but also experienced Stalinist repression.


As the USSR unraveled, Georgia declared independence in 1991 and elected nationalist leaders who sought closer ties with the west. However, post Soviet Georgia faced civil unrest, economic crises and conflict with separatist regions like Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Despite these difficulties, Georgia has transitioned into a fledgling democracy and pursued integration with NATO and the European Union.


In the 21st century, George's total population is about 3.7 million people as of 2022, according to World Bank estimates. Ethnically, Georgians make up around 86% of the population. The Georgian people have inhabited the Caucasus region for thousands of years, developing their unique language and Christian traditions. Other ethnic minorities include Azeris, Armenians, Russians and Abkhazians. These groups are concentrated in certain regions of Georgia, particularly near the Russian and Armenian borders. For instance, Armenians largely reside in the province of Samtski Javakesh t.

据世界银行估计,在21世纪,乔治的总人口到2022年约为370万。从种族上看,格鲁吉亚人约占总人口的86% 。格鲁吉亚人民在高加索地区居住了几千年,发展了他们独特的语言和基督教传统。其他少数民族包括阿塞拜疆人、亚美尼亚人、俄罗斯人和阿布哈兹人。这些团体集中在格鲁吉亚的某些地区,特别是靠近俄罗斯和亚美尼亚边界的地区。例如,亚美尼亚人主要居住在 Samtski Javakesh t 省。

Religiously, the vast majority of Georgians belong to the Georgian Orthodox Church. Christianity has defined George's national identity since it adopted the faith in the 4th century ad. The Georgian Orthodox Church retains many ancient traditions and rituals. Other religious groups found here include Muslims, Catholics and Armenian up apostolic Christians. Freedom of religion is guaranteed by George's constitution, though the Orthodox Church retains a privilege status.


In terms of language, Georgian is the sole official language and the mother tongue for around 80% of the population. It is one of the oldest languages in the world. Spoken Georgian is unique to the region with its distinctive alphabet thought to be derived from Aramaic script. Minority languages spoken in Georgia include Azeri, Armenian and Russian. Many Georgians, especially in urban areas, are bilingual and speak Russian as a second language due to George's history within the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, Georgia has transitioned from a centrally planned to a free market economy since gaining independence in 1991.

在语言方面,格鲁吉亚语是唯一的官方语言,约80% 的人口以格鲁吉亚语为母语。它是世界上最古老的语言之一。格鲁吉亚语是该地区特有的语言,其独特的字母被认为源自阿拉姆文字。在格鲁吉亚使用的少数民族语言包括阿塞拜疆语、亚美尼亚语和俄语。许多格鲁吉亚人,尤其是在城市地区的格鲁吉亚人,会说两种语言,并且把俄语作为第二语言。由于乔治在俄罗斯帝国和苏联的历史,格鲁吉亚自1991年获得独立以来,已经从中央计划经济过渡到自由市场经济。

The World Bank estimates its GDP at around $24 billion as of 2022. Key sectors driving economic growth include agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and transportation. Agriculture is a major employer with key exports including wine, citrus fruits and nuts. George's climate allows for both European and subtropical crops. Viticulture in particular is an ancient tradition and Georgian wines are gaining international recognition. Tourism has grown rapidly, showcasing Georges Mountains, Black Sea coastline, food and wine for international visitors. Georgia aims to become a major regional tourism hub.


Industry and manufacturing account for around a quarter of GDP. Automobile assembly, mining and hydro power are also growing sectors. However, they still depend on imports for most machinery and high tech products. Transportation infrastructure is improving with George's ports, roads and airports facilitating trade and transit between Europe and Asia. Projects like the Baku Tbilisi cars railway help link them with major economies. George's economic reforms and business friendly policies have attracted foreign investment. Priorities going forward are deeper trade integration, improving education and infrastructure and continuing to deregulate and privatize state owned enterprises.

工业和制造业约占GDP 的四分之一。汽车装配、采矿和水电行业也在增长。然而,大多数机械和高科技产品仍依赖进口。随着乔治的港口、公路和机场为欧洲和亚洲之间的贸易和运输提供便利,交通基础设施正在得到改善。巴库第比利斯汽车铁路等项目有助于将它们与主要经济体联系起来。乔治的经济改革和商业友好政策吸引了外国投资。今后的重点是深化贸易一体化,改善教育和基础设施,继续放松管制和国有企业私有化。

Georgia has a rich artistic tradition strongly shaped by its Christian heritage. Georgian Christian architecture represents a distinctive national style. Major examples include the Javari Monastery and Svetits Kovilli Cathedral from the Middle Ages. Churches are often decorated with stone carvings and feature trademark conical domes and bell towers. Frescoes and mural paintings adorn many Georgian churches and monasteries. The paintings display saints, biblical scenes and depictions of heaven and hell through a colorful, expressive artistic style inspired by Byzantium. Prominent works include the 11th century murals at Labacina Church and the World Heritage frescoes at Ubisea Monastery. Georgia also developed a tradition of enamel jewellery and metalwork, often with Christian motifs. Other examples of Georgian fine art include stone reliefs, vibrant tapestries and manuscripts with calligraphy and illumination.

格鲁吉亚有着丰富的艺术传统,这种传统深受其基督教遗产的影响。格鲁吉亚基督教建筑代表了一种独特的民族风格。主要的例子包括Javari Monastery 和中世纪的斯维特科维利大教堂。教堂经常用石雕和标志性的圆锥形穹顶和钟楼来装饰。许多乔治王时代的教堂和修道院都有壁画和壁画装饰。这些绘画展示了圣徒,圣经场景和描绘的天堂和地狱通过一个丰富多彩的,富有表现力的艺术风格的灵感来自拜占庭。杰出的作品包括11世纪的壁画在拉巴西纳教堂和世界遗产壁画在乌比西亚修道院。格鲁吉亚还发展了传统的珐琅首饰和金属制品,往往与基督教图案。其他格鲁吉亚美术的例子包括石头浮雕,充满活力的挂毯和手稿与书法和照明。

Georgian cuisine is unique and has some interesting flavors, thanks to the country's location along the spice route between Europe and Asia. Here are some dishes you can find in Georgia. First up is kachpuri, which is a traditional Georgian cheese filled bread. The most popular variety is called ajaruli Kachapuri, which is shaped like a boat and has an egg cracked into the middle after it's baked. Next we have gomi. This is a thick stew made with pork, potatoes and beans.

乔治亚饮食是独一无二的,有一些有趣的味道,感谢该国位于欧洲和亚洲之间的香料路线。这里有一些你可以在乔治亚州找到的菜肴。首先是Kachpuri 这是一种传统的乔治亚奶酪夹心面包。最受欢迎的品种叫做 ajaruli Kachapuri,它的形状像一艘船,在烘烤后,鸡蛋会从中间裂开。接下来是五味线。这是一道用猪肉、土豆和豆子做成的浓汤。

It simmered for hours until the beans break down and thicken. The stew. Spices like coriander, Fina, Greek and chili pepper give it a robust flavor. Another Georgian favorite is kinkoli, which are large dumplings stuffed with spiced meat or cheese. The dumpling dough is gathered into a twisted top knot.


Georgian cuisine has so much more to offer beyond these highlights. Let me know in the comments if you'd like to see more videos exploring dishes from this unique country. If you enjoyed this video on Georgia, you'll love this next one.


