威廉王子 | 2024年”家园“项目一周年致辞

威廉王子 | 2024年”家园“项目一周年致辞


For me, it's fantastic to be back in Lambeth, where a year ago we launched Homewards, I can't believe it, and began our journey of working together to demonstrate that it is possible to end homelessness.


Homelessness is a complex societal issue, and one that touches the lives of far too many people in our society.


However, I truly believe that it can be ended.


I created Homewards because I wanted us to look at the issue of homelessness through a different lens: to inspire a movement to prevent people from ever experiencing homelessness in the first place.


I know this will take a huge effort. And I know that demonstrating that homelessness is not an inevitable part of our society will take time.


I have though, been struck by the scale of the work that has been carried out since the launch of Homewards and I hope it is a powerful reminder to everyone of what can be achieved when we work together towards a shared goal.


Over the past twelve months, across our six locations an incredible amount of work has been done to build the foundations for success.


Coalitions have been built, bringing together over 500 individuals and organisations who are setting ambitious priorities and co-developing new ways of addressing homelessness, that are local, relevant and collaborative – something that has never been done before on this scale.


Eleven industry leading companies have joined our mission – providing in-kind support and expertise to support our six locations. To them, I say thank you. To those who are not yet involved, I urge you to come and join us on this journey.


Already, a pipeline of nearly 100 homes is being established through the innovative housing projects which will be developed in each location – and believe me – my ambitions alone mean there will be so many more!


We are also working to change the way we all think about homelessness. Today, homelessness touches so many more than the men and women we sadly see on our streets. We will improve understanding about the different forms of homelessness, shifting perceptions and boosting optimism that it can be ended.


As we gather here today in Lambeth, it's an opportunity for us to take stock of all the hard work that has already been done over the last year as we work together to make homelessness rare, brief and unrepeated. But, there is so much more work still to do.


The energy and enthusiasm that each individual and organisation is bringing to the programme, and to showing that it is possible to end homelessness in their local area, is inspiring and I know, together, we can do this.


Having met and worked with so many sector partners in the years before launching Homewards, it was clear that there was an opportunity to build on the strong tradition of collaboration between local authorities and charities, while encouraging businesses and the private sector that they too can play a part.


I am pleased to see that this approach is already sparking innovation and creative partnerships.


All of us in this room know that changing a system to focus on prevention, rather than simply managing the crisis, will take time.


In our second year, each of our locations will finalise their action plans and start delivering the solutions that will create lasting impact.


And not just in our six locations. The ideas and approaches that our coalitions are developing will have the power to inspire change across the UK and beyond.


Thank you so much for being part of this journey with us. And for your commitment in making our mission possible.


