奥兰多·布鲁姆 | 我的育儿之路

奥兰多·布鲁姆 | 我的育儿之路


What do you wish you had known before you became a father?你希望自己在成为父亲之前知道些什么?
What do I wish I’d known before I became a father? I think how beautiful and challenging the responsibility of bringing a child into the world is. It takes four years to learn to be a hairdresser at one of the greatest salons in London or around the world.我希望自己在成为父亲之前知道些什么?我觉得把孩子带到这个世界上是兼具美好和挑战性的责任。在伦敦或全世界最棒的美发沙龙学习成为一名美发师至少需要四年时间。
And yet there is zero education to bringing a child into the world, which is essentially the biggest responsibility in your life. But it is the greatest joy and the most beautiful responsibility.然而,迎接新生命的到来却没有任何教育可言,实际上是你一生中最重大的责任。但这也是最大的快乐和最美好的责任。
What have your kids taught you?您的孩子教会了您什么?
My kids have taught me patience. My kids have taught me about the joy of just play and they’ve taught me love in the most sort of pure and open-hearted way.我的孩子教会了我耐心,教会了我游戏的乐趣,他们教会了我以最纯粹、最敞开心扉的方式去爱。
What’s your favorite thing to do with your children?你最喜欢和孩子们一起做什么?
It is to go for a walk. We would go treasure-trash picking. Sometimes, you know, you go beachcombing, and you pick up shells or glass bottle parts. And sometimes we would even make things out of the trash because it would be kind of beautiful and weird looking. And I love to play LEGO with my kids. Occasionally watch movies.去散步,去捡垃圾。有时候会去海滩探险,会捡到贝壳或玻璃瓶的碎片。有时我们甚至会用垃圾做一些东西,因为它看起来很漂亮,很奇怪吧。我喜欢和我的孩子们一起玩乐高。也会偶尔去看电影。
What have you found hardest about being a parent and how have you coped?您觉得为人父母最难的是什么,您是如何应对的?
I think the hardest thing for me has been away from them at times when I... that’s out of my control and I can’t. That’s the hardest part.我觉得对我来说最难的事情就是在我......我无法控制离开他们的时间,这是最困难的部分。
How do you cope?你是如何应对的?
FaceTime. Trying to navigate schedules and time apart and it is really challenging. But I ask for help when I can.通过FaceTime。尝试安排日程和时间,这真的很有挑战性。但我会尽可能寻求帮助。
I think often of families that have been separated through conflict or disaster. And then I think how lucky I am to get the time that I do get. And how I have FaceTime and I can make the most.我经常想到那些因冲突或灾难而分离的家庭。然后我觉得自己有这样的时间是非常幸运的。我有FaceTime可以充分利用时间。
But I think it’s taught me to be very present to the moments that we do have and which is sometimes challenging in this chaotic world. But it is the greatest joy and the most beautiful responsibility.这也教会了我要非常珍惜现在所拥有的时刻,在这个混乱的世界里,拥有这些是具有挑战性的。但这是最大的快乐,也是最美丽的责任。

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