英国首相基尔·斯塔默 | 对英国公职人员的讲话

英国首相基尔·斯塔默 | 对英国公职人员的讲话


I am so pleased to have this early opportunity to speak directly to every one of you working in the Civil Service.我很高兴能有这个机会直接与每一位公务员交谈。
Now, I saw from my time as Director of Public Prosecutions just how hard you work, how much you believe in what you are doing for our country.在我担任公共检察署署长期间,看到了你们努力工作,以及你们为自己国家奉献的信念。
And it taught me a huge amount about what public service really means. And that spirit is not just critical for the work ahead, it will define the success of this government. A government of service that must now show the British people how government can be a force for good. 这让我明白了公共服务的真正含义。这种精神不仅对今后的工作至关重要,而且将决定本届政府的成败。作为一个服务型政府,现在必须向英国人民展示政府如何才能成为一股永恒的力量。
Now, it will be a mission-driven government with a real sense of purpose.That’s not just a slogan. It’s about setting clear, long-term objectives that drive our decision making and help us prioritise our work.我们的政府是一个使命为导向,具有真正使命感的政府。这不仅仅是一句口号。它是关于制定明确的长期目标,这些目标将推动我们的决策,帮助我们确定工作的优先次序。
Higher growth. Safer Streets. Secure borders. Cleaner energy. More opportunity. The NHS back on its feet.更高的增长,更安全的街道,安全的边境,更清洁的能源,更多机会,国家医疗服务体系恢复元气。
Delivering change won’t be easy, you don’t need me to tell you that. It will require a different way of working. One of openness, of collaboration and transparency in everything we do.实现变革并非易事,这一点无需我多说。这需要一种不同的工作方式。我们所做的一切都要公开、协作和透明。
But from the get-go, I want you to know that – you have my confidence, my support and, importantly, my respect.但从一开始,我就想让你们知道,我对你们充满信心,我会一直支持你们,更重要的是,我尊重你们。
Together, as one team, we can deliver our mission of national renewal and change. Let’s start that work immediately.作为一个团队,我们可以共同完成国家复兴和变革的使命。让我们立刻开始吧。

