第2268期:World's oldest cave art found showing humans and pig

第2268期:World's oldest cave art found showing humans and pig


The discovery is important because it pushes back the time that modern humans first showed the ability for creative thought.


The painting shows a pig standing with its mouth partly open with at least three other human-like figures interacting with it. The largest of them has both arms extended and appears to be holding a rod, possibly a spear. The second is immediately in front of the pig with its head next to its snout. It also seems to be holding a stick, one end of which may be in contact with the pig's throat. And the final figure seems to be upside down with its legs facing up and splayed outwards. It has one hand reaching towards and seemingly touching the pig's head.


Representational cave paintings have been found across the world. The big question is whether that ability first emerged in Africa, where modern humans evolved and spread when our species left the continent 60,000 years ago, or it emerged independently, later, as there became a greater social need for recorded communication.

世界各地都曾发现过写实类型的洞穴壁画。但最重要的问题是:当 6 万年前我们的祖先进化成现代人类并且从非洲分散开来的时候,绘制这些壁画的能力就已经出现;还是说当书面交流成为一种广泛的的社会需要时,这项能力才分别在不同的人群中逐渐形成?

