基尔·斯塔默 | 英国新任首相就职演讲

基尔·斯塔默 | 英国新任首相就职演讲


Good afternoon.I have just returned from Buckingham Palace, where I accepted an invitation from His Majesty the King to form the next government of this great nation. 各位,下午好。我刚从白金汉宫回来,在那我接受了国王陛下的邀请,组建这个伟大国家的下一届政府。
I want to thank the outgoing Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. His achievement as the first British-Asian Prime Minister of our country – the extra effort that that will have required should not be underestimated by anyone. We pay tribute to that today. And we also recognise the dedication and hard work he brought to his leadership.我要感谢即将离任的首相里希·苏纳克。作为我国首位英籍亚裔首相,他所取得的成就,任何人都不应低估这背后需要付出的额外努力。我们今天对此表示敬意。我们也认可他在领导过程中表现出的奉献精神和辛勤工作。
But now our country has voted, decisively, for change, for national renewal and a return of politics to public service.但现在我们的国家已经果断投票支持变革,支持国家复兴,支持政治回归公共服务。
When the gap between the sacrifices made by people and the service they receive from politicians grows this big, it leads to a weariness in the heart of a nation, a draining away of the hope, the spirit, the belief in a better future – that we need to move forward, together.当人民做出的牺牲与政治家提供的服务之间差距过之大时,就会导致一个民族内心的疲惫,导致对更美好未来的希望、精神和信念的流失,而这些正是我们共同前进所需要的。
Now, this wound, this lack of trust, can only be healed by actions, not words. I know that. But we can make a start today with the simple acknowledgment that public service is a privilege and that your government should treat every single person in this country with respect.但我知道这种创伤,这种信任的缺失,只能通过行动而非言语来治愈。我们今天可以从一个简单的认识开始,那就是公共服务是一种特权,你们的政府应该尊重这个国家的每一个人。
If you voted for Labour yesterday, we will carry the responsibility of your trust as we rebuild our country. But whether you voted Labour or not – in fact, especially if you did not – I say to you, directly: my government will serve you.如果你们昨天投票支持工党,那么在重建国家的过程中,我们将肩负起你们信任的责任。但无论你们是否投票给工党——即使事实上你们没有投票给工党——我都要直接告诉你们:我的政府也会为你们服务。
Politics can be a force for good – we will show that. We’ve changed the Labour Party, returned it to service – and that is how we will govern. Country first, party second. 政治可以成为一种向善的力量——我们会证明这一点。我们已经改变了工党,让它回归服务——这就是我们的执政方式。国家第一,党派第二。
Yet, if I’m honest, service is merely a pre-condition of hope. And it is surely clear to everyone that our country needs a bigger reset, a rediscovery of who we are. Because no matter how fierce the storms of history, one of the great strengths of this nation has always been our ability to navigate a way through to calmer waters. 但老实说,服务只是希望的先决条件。每个人都很清楚,我们的国家需要一次更大的重启,需要重新发现我们是谁。因为无论历史上的风暴有多么猛烈,这个国家的巨大优势之一始终是我们有能力驶入平静的水域。
And yet this depends upon politicians, particularly those who stand for stability and moderation – as I do – recognising when we must change course.For too long now, we have turned a blind eye as millions slid into greater insecurity. 然而,这有赖于政治家们,特别是那些主张稳定和温和的政治家们——就像我一样——认识到我们何时必须改变航向。长期以来,我们对数百万人陷入更大的不安全感视而不见。
Nurses, builders, drivers, carers, people doing the right thing, working harder than ever, recognised – at moments like this, before. Yet, as soon as the cameras stop rolling, their lives are ignored. I want to say very clearly to those people: not this time.护士、建筑工人、司机、护理人员,他们做着正确的事情,比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作,在这样的时刻,在以前,他们都得到了认可。然而,一旦没有媒体关注报道,他们的生活就会被忽视。我想明确地对这些人说:这次不行。
Changing a country is not like flicking a switch. The world is now a more volatile place. This will take a while.改变一个国家并不像按下开关那样简单。现在的世界更加动荡不安。这需要一段时间。
But have no doubt that the work of change begins – immediately. Have no doubt – that we will rebuild Britain, with wealth created in every community. Our NHS back on its feet, facing the future. Secure borders. Safer streets. Everyone treated with dignity and respect at work. The opportunity of clean British power, cutting your energy bills for good. 但请不要怀疑,变革的工作已经开始——而且会立即开始。毫无疑问,我们将重建英国,在每个社区创造财富。我们的国家医疗服务体系将重新站立起来,面向未来。边境安全,街道更安全。每个人在工作中都得到尊严和尊重。英国清洁能源带来的机遇,会一直降低你们的能源账单费用。
And, brick by brick, we will rebuild the infrastructure of opportunity. The world-class schools and colleges, the affordable homes that I know are the ingredients of hope for working people, the security that working-class families like mine can build their lives around.Because if I asked you now whether you believe that Britain will be better for your children, I know – too many of you would say no. 我们将一砖一瓦地重建创造机遇的基础设施。世界一流的学校和学院、经济适用房,我知道这些都是劳动人民的希望所在,也是像我这样的工薪阶层家庭能够安居乐业的保障。因为如果我现在问你们,你们是否相信英国会为你们的孩子带来更好的生活,我知道你们中的很多人都会说不。
And so my government will fight, every day, until you believe again. From now on, you have a government unburdened by doctrine, guided only by the determination to serve your interests. To defy, quietly, those who have written our country off. 因此,我的政府将每天奋斗,直到你们再次相信。从现在起,你们将拥有一个不受教条束缚的政府,一个只为你们的利益服务的政府,不懂声色地反抗那些将诋毁我们国家的人。
You have given us a clear mandate, and we will use it to deliver change. To restore service and respect to politics, end the era of noisy performance, tread more lightly on your lives, and unite our country.你们赋予了我们明确的使命,我们将用它来实现变革。恢复政治的服务和尊重,结束喧闹的政绩时代,更轻松地对待你们的生活,团结我们的国家
Four nations standing together again, facing down, as we have so often in our past, the challenges of an insecure world, committed to a calm and patient rebuilding.四个联合王国将再次站在一起,一如既往像我们过去一样,共同面对不安全世界的挑战,冷静和耐心地致力于重建国家。
So, with respect and humility, I invite you all to join this government of service in the mission of national renewal.Our work is urgent, and we begin it today.因此,我怀着敬意和谦卑之心,邀请大家加入这个服务型政府,共同完成国家复兴的使命。我们的工作迫在眉睫,今天就会开始。
Thank you very much.谢谢大家!

