英国国王查尔斯三世 | 2024年日本皇室访英晚宴致辞

英国国王查尔斯三世 | 2024年日本皇室访英晚宴致辞


Your Majesties,天皇和皇后陛下,
My wife and I are so delighted to be able to welcome you to Buckingham Palace this evening. EI-KOKU NI O-KAERI NASAI. [Welcome back to Britain].我和我的妻子非常高兴今晚能在白金汉宫迎接你们。欢迎回到英国。
Your Majesties, ours is a partnership with deep roots. For over four hundred years, our nations have inspired each other, learning from each other’s experience and enriching our industries, cuisines and cultures with elements borrowed and shared. Even our hobbies have shared roots; for it was English climbers like Walter Weston in the late nineteenth century, enraptured by the Japanese landscapes they encountered, who helped to introduce recreational mountain climbing in Japan. This is a passion which so many British and Japanese now have in common - not least, at an individual level, Your Majesty and myself!天皇和皇后陛下,我们两国的伙伴关系根深蒂固。四百多年来,我们两国相互启发,相互学习,借鉴和分享彼此的经验,丰富了我们的工业、美食和文化。就连我们的爱好也有着共同的根源;十九世纪末,沃尔特·韦斯顿等英国登山爱好者被日本风景所吸引,帮助日本引进了休闲登山运动。现在,许多英国人和日本人,天皇陛下和我在个人层面上,都有这种共同的爱好!
At the core of our partnership is a close friendship; one based on a mutual understanding of the importance of international rules and global institutions, forged from the lessons of history, including its darkest years. Today, as we face a world in which these principles are ever more challenged, our shared values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law are more important than ever.我们伙伴关系的核心是亲密的友谊;这种友谊建立在对国际规则和全球机构重要性的相互理解之上,这种理解是从历史的教训,包括最黑暗岁月中形成的。今天,当我们面对一个这些原则日益受到挑战的世界时,我们共同的自由、民主和法治价值观比以往任何时候都更加重要。
Our partnership is also one that continues to grow and flourish, to put out new shoots and branches. We share a bond which sets us apart from so many others, being both island nations whose advancement has relied particularly on our ability to adapt and to create new solutions for society through the power of collaboration and innovation. Indeed, I believe that our people also share an understanding of how tradition and innovation can work together to strengthen each other and the future we work towards.我们的伙伴关系也在不断发展壮大,不断抽枝发芽。我们都是岛国,其发展尤其依赖于我们的适应能力,以及通过合作和创新力量为社会创造新的解决方案的能力。事实上,我相信我们两国人民也都明白传统与创新可以相互促进,共同迈向未来。
I saw something of this on my first visit to Japan in 1970 when I toured the first Japanese World Expo in Osaka. As a twenty-one-year-old, the innovations I saw left me with a lasting impression of the power of blending the traditions of Eastern and Western civilisations, together with progress in science and technology for the benefit of all.1970年,我第一次访问日本时,参观了在大阪举办的第一届日本世博会。作为一个21岁的年轻人,我看到了创新给我留下的深刻印象,即东西方文明的传统与科技进步的融合能够造福于所有人。
My four further visits to Japan since then, and my engagements with your people and companies over the years, lead me to believe that the impressive links forged between our economies and our businesses have built on those same ideals. Over the last fifty years, Japanese investors have made an enormous contribution to the economy of the United Kingdom. Our country has provided a home where I am proud to say these businesses have thrived, while growing numbers of British businesses have been welcomed into Japan.此后,我对日本进行了四次访问,多年来与贵国人民和公司的接触使我相信,我们两国经济和企业之间建立的令人印象深刻的联系也是建立在共同理想之上的。过去五十年来,日本投资者为英国经济做出了巨大贡献。我可以自豪地说,我国为这些企业提供了一个蓬勃发展的家园,而越来越多的英国企业也受到了日本的欢迎。
Our talented scientists are also working together on research and technology to help address some of the most pressing challenges that face our planet. The seriousness and urgency of the climate and Nature crises we face cannot be overstated; our generation owes it to those who follow to face it with vigour, determination and creativity. Against the history of deep traditional respect for Nature in both of our cultures, the private sector has a key role to play.我们才华横溢的科学家们也在共同研究和开发技术,以帮助解决地球面临的一些最紧迫的挑战。我们所面临的气候和自然危机的严重性和紧迫性无论怎样强调都不为过;我们这一代人有责任以活力、决心和创造力面对它。在我们两国文化中都有尊重自然的深厚传统,私营部门在这方面可以发挥关键作用。
This is why I am so pleased that both British and Japanese companies are at the forefront of creating practical, bankable initiatives, and British and Japanese researchers, who are working on understanding and protecting the Earth, continue to be honoured through the Blue Planet Prize and the Japan Prize.正因为如此,我很高兴看到英国和日本的公司都站在最前沿,提出切实可行、可盈利的倡议,而致力于了解和保护地球的英国和日本研究人员也因获得“蓝色星球奖”和“日本奖”继续受到表彰。
In addition, I know that our two countries are collaborating ever more closely to provide for our shared security. Our Armed Forces are exercising and sharing expertise at great levels, as befits two powers with an enduring commitment to global peace and security. From energy and the environment, to supply chains and semi-conductors; from cyber security and sustainable food supplies to defence industrial collaboration, our governments are working together to provide a stable world for future generations.此外,我们两国正在更加密切地合作,以保障我们的共同安全。我们的武装部队正在进行高水平的演习并分享专业知识,这与两个长期致力于全球和平与安全的大国是相称的。从能源和环境到供应链和半导体;从网络安全和可持续食品供应到国防工业合作,我们两国政府正在共同努力,为子孙后代提供一个稳定的世界。
Supporting all these shared endeavours are the enduring ties between our people that transcend geography – and that does not just mean how much we enjoy tea, and talking about the weather!支持所有这些共同事业的是我们两国人民之间超越地理的长久纽带——这不仅仅意味着我们可以喝茶和谈论天气!
Your Majesties, I had the enormous privilege of addressing the Diet nearly forty years ago. During that address, I expressed my deep hope that our countries would exchange more of our cultures and, by doing so, enrich our creativity. I cannot tell you how encouraged I have been to see the remarkable array of cultural exchange and coproduction between our countries grow ever stronger.天皇和皇后陛下,近四十年前,我曾有幸在国会发言。在那次讲话中,我表达了我的深切希望,即我们两国能够交流更多的文化,并通过这样做来丰富我们的创造力。看到我们两国之间的文化交流和共同制作日益壮大,我感到无比鼓舞。
Just today, one hundred and thirty members of the Royal Opera House were on stage in Japan at the Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, led by Sir Antonio Pappano. And as Studio Ghibli’s animé continue to delight audiences worldwide, with Hayao Miyazaki’s wonderful ‘The Boy and the Heron’ scooping an Oscar earlier this year, the house is full at the London Coliseum this evening for a stage production of ‘Spirited Away’.

Equally, it has been a pleasure to learn of the British stories behind certain Japanese cultural icons. Perhaps you would allow me to note one particular individual who turns fifty this year, raised in a London suburb with her twin sister, a self-made entrepreneur worth billions of dollars, and a U.N.I.C.E.F. Children’s Ambassador on top of all that. So I can only wish a very happy birthday to… Hello Kitty!
同样,我也很高兴了解到某些日本文化名人背后的英国故事。请允许我提到一个特别的人,她今年五十岁,和她的双胞胎妹妹一起在伦敦郊区长大,是一个身价数十亿美元的白手起家的企业家,而且还是联合国儿童基金会的大使。所以我只能祝......Hello Kitty生日快乐!

Ever greater numbers of our young people are living, working and studying in world-class institutions in each other’s countries. We are honoured that so many members of the Imperial Family, including Your Majesties, have chosen to study at British universities. I know from Your Majesty's fascinating record of your experiences at Oxford – as well as my memories of our time spent together at the opera and fly fishing – that these opportunities to spend time abroad create lifelong friendships and memories. I am only sorry to report that I haven’t had any better luck with more recent attempts at fishing – the Pokémon phrase “gotta catch ‘em all” may resonate with my grandchildren, but for me it is, perhaps, aspirational..!

Your Majesties, in 1613, Tokugawa Ieyasu wrote to my forebear, King James I, he said: “Though separated by ten thousand leagues of clouds and waves, our territories are as it were close to each other”. Over four hundred years later, that sentiment remains at the heart of our friendship.

And so, it is with a sense of great affection and optimism that I propose a toast to Your Majesties and the Japanese people, and to the next four hundred years of Japanese-British relations. KAN-PAI! [Cheers!]

