The Sharing Economy

The Sharing Economy


Whether it's ridesharing with Uber, lending your power drill to a neighbor with Peerby, taking advantage of a home exchange with Airbnb, or dozens of other examples, the so-called "sharing economy" is firmly established in our daily life.

While the concept has been in place for some time, numerous enterprising groups have found a way to make the most of the current economic environment.

Entrepreneur magazine explains:

The idea behind the sharing economy isn’t new. Napster, eBay and Craigslist were all built on its basic tenets. But companies such as Uber and Airbnb have taken collaborative consumption to a new level. These pioneering companies created affordable solutions for cash-strapped consumers during the Great Recession, and they offered unique income streams for people who needed extra money or flexible work schedules.

Generating revenues in the tens of billions of dollars globally, it’s difficult to ignore this growing segment of the economy. According to data from PricewaterhouseCoopers, we can quickly see that sharing is big business: Today, we estimate that the five main sharing economy sectors generate $15bn in global revenues, making up just 5% of total revenue generated by the ten sectors we looked at. However, by 2025, these same five sharing economy sectors could generate over half of overall sales in the ten sectors – a potential revenue opportunity worth $335bn.

Also referred to as the collaborative economy, gig economy, peer economy, or collaborative consumption, defines the sharing economy as: A socio-economic ecosystem built around the sharing of human and physical resources. It includes the shared creation, production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services by different people and organizations.

Call it what you will, there is a spectacular amount of growth taking place in the sharing sector. As TechCrunch reports, holiday-makers are making the change from big chain hotels, and looking for something a little more personal:

Growth is on the up and up for Airbnb. Nearly 17 million people worldwide booked their guest stays with the peer-to-peer lodging platform this summer, according to a new travel report. That’s a whopping 35,000% surge in the last five years – and a far cry from the three guests Airbnb hosted before officially launching in the summer of 2008.

If you’re in the market for someone to help you with your household chores, that’s not a problem either. After a large department store in Canada closed its doors in April, the newly laid off staff applied for odd jobs with AskforTasks. From the Globe and Mail:

Toronto startup AskforTasks, an online platform that allows individuals to sign up to do chores and other daily errands, has been seeing a 40-per-cent, month-over-month increase in “tasker” sign-up at a time when Canada is said to be in a mild recession. The platform saw a remarkable 800 percent increase in sign-ups after Target Canada closed all its stores early this year.
多伦多初创公司AskforTasks是一个在线平台,允许个人注册做家务和其他日常差事。在加拿大据说处于轻度衰退的时候,该平台的“任务者”注册量每月增长了40%。今年早些时候Target Canada关闭了所有商店后,平台的注册量惊人地增长了800%。

In China, the sharing economy has already gone far beyond car pooling and home rentals. As notes, the sharing economy brings together excess capacity of products or services to "share" them:

Knowledge can be shared too. The Chinese website, tries to connect people with expertise - whether in art, science or lifestyle - with people seeking advice. Those in need of professional help can click a button, schedule a face-to-face meeting with experts, and pay them a fee of about 50 U.S. dollars for a consultation.

Stunning growth aside, some have voiced concerns over the way these ‘employees’ are being treated. Uber has for months been locked in court battles over the legality of their business practices. From the Huffington Post:

2015 has not been as kind to Uber and its brethren, as the fascination with a new business model has given way to serious concerns over everything from public safety to worker exploitation to unfair market monopolization. In some ways this is not surprising - the honeymoon for startups can be notoriously brief. While there are bound to be some growing pains, the sharing economy seems to have unlimited potential. With more minds working together, we can count on the right person with the necessary skills, networks, insights, and location to appear.

As The Next Web concludes:
正如The Next Web总结的那样:

It’s clear that our current labor structure is in flux, and “going to work” no longer means driving to an office or a factory for a set amount of time. The traditional 40-hour workweek is experiencing an overhaul, and it will continue to evolve as new on-demand service platforms rise up to meet consumer demands.

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