第2250期:South Korea’s Ancient Tradition Revived with Social Media

第2250期:South Korea’s Ancient Tradition Revived with Social Media


In South Korea, the prayer table of Lee Kyoung-hyun looks similar to those of Korean shamans from hundreds of years ago. It has statues of Buddha and local gods, candles, and incense.

The 29-year-old shaman may use traditional prayer objects, but Lee reaches her followers in a modern way: through social media. Hundreds of thousands of people follow her online.

And she’s not alone. Since starting her YouTube channel in 2019, she has noticed more South Korean shamans posting videos about the spiritual practice.

Researcher Kim Dong-kyu is with the Academic Center for K-Religions at Sogang University, a private research university in Seoul. He said shamans used to publicize themselves in newspapers. He said it is "natural” for them to use social media.

South Korea is among the world's most modern and high-tech economies. More than half its population of 51 million does not practice a religion, research shows. However, the appeal of shamanism remains popular and seems to be growing.

Google Trends tracks popular searches on YouTube. It shows that searches for "shaman" and "fortune-telling" in Korean have nearly doubled over the past five years.

A 2024 Korean film called Exhuma is about a shaman removing a curse on a family. The film has made at least $97 million dollars internationally and is raising interest in the religious tradition. The Korean Film Council says that one in five South Koreans has seen the film.

Shamans are thought to have special powers, including the ability to know what will happen in the future. They offer followers relationship advice, guidance on job searches, and predictions, said Lee.

Park Chea-bin is a 33-year-old Buddhist. In 2020, she visited Lee when she was struggling to find a job. She said she felt "peace of mind" after meeting with the shaman.

Park said, "I was very anxious at the time but I became a little relaxed after deciding to let things go and focus on what I need to do."

She found a job at about the same time as her visit with the shaman.

Shaman Lee posts videos on subjects such as Korea’s future for the rest of 2024. "The current state of South Korean society is a factor that can't be ignored," she said. She added that many people come to her with concerns about the costs of housing and raising children.

In Seoul, where Lee works, the price of a home was more than 15 times the average wage in 2022. In 2017, a home in the Korean capital cost 8.8 times the average wage. These amounts come from a Korean government report. The country has also suffered from high inflation and interest rates.

