


1. Where are the speakers going?
A. A new restaurant. B. A convenience store. C. Their office.
2. When is the class presentation according to Vicky?
A. On Thursday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Tuesday.
3.Why does the woman make the call?
A. To check the price. B. To make an apology. C. To cancel her order.
4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife. B. Boss and employee. C. Salesperson and customer.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. Their move to a new place. B. Tom’s friends at school. C. A sports center.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What does the girl tell her dad?
A. She decides to quit college. B. She worries about her academic ability. C. She is unpopular with her classmates.
7. How does the father help his daughter?
A. By telling a funny joke. B. By sharing his own story. C. By planning a school tour.
8. Who is the man?
A. A researcher. B. A bird watcher. C. A radio host.
9. When do birds sing quieter?
A. On weekend mornings. B. During rush hours. C. In early evenings.
10. What is Dr. Zollinger going to do next?
A. Summarize her studies. B. Play some recordings. C. Answer more questions.
11. Where was Jena born?
A. In Canada. B. In Japan. C. In Australia.
12. How old was Mike when he left Glasgow?
A. Five. B. Six. C. Ten.
13. What do we know about Mike’s parents?
2 / 11
A. They enjoy living abroad. B. They first met at the age of 20. C. They will start their own company.
14. What is the first question to Mr. Green about?
A. His adventure in space. B. His physical condition. C. His doctor’s advice.
15. How does Mr. Green feel about traveling to Mars?
A. It’s unlikely to happen. B. It’s physically demanding. C. It’s a chance not to be missed.
16. Which is Mr. Green’s favorite movie?
A. Apollo 13. B. Blue Earth. C. Space Station.
17. What is the speaker doing?
A. Giving a report. B. Introducing a musical play. C. Making an announcement.
18. What are the students expected to do?
A. Cary school flags. B. Wear fun clothes. C. Design fancy masks.
19. Where can the parents stand and watch?
A. On the sidewalk. B. On the playground. C. In front of the office.
20. What should the students do if they don’t take part?
A. Let their teacher know. B. Stay in the lecture hall. C. Do some reading.

1-5 ACBCA  6-10 BBCAB   11-15 ABABC  16-20 ACBCA

(Text 1)

W: Look, we have time for a hamburger at this former restaurant.

W: Forget that. I know a new restaurant on Maple Street not far fromour company. Is that okay with you?

M: Perfect.

(Text 2)

M: Hi, Vicky. I remember our class presentation is on Wednesday, butyou said it's on Thursday. Are you sure?

W: Sorry. It was a slip of the tongue. I meant Tuesday for sure.

(Text 3)

M: Allen's Furniture. Can I help you?

W: Hi. I'm the one who asked about the price of a glass tea table top.Just now I'm sorry, I made a mistake. The size should be 75 centimeters by 50centimeters.

M: Oh. That'll make a difference in the price. Hold on and let me findout.

(Text 4)

W: These are our new arrivals. Every man should own at least onewoolen sweater. Don't you think?

M: I agree. Any suggestions?

W: The one with two pockets sells best this year. Lightweight andstylish. Would you like to try it on?

(Text 5)

W: How do you like your school, Tom?

M: Oh, I like it a lot and I also like the area. The nearby recreationcenter is cool. Thank you, mom.

W: What really leaves you happy with your new home?

(Text 6)

W: I don't know if I want to go to college. I don't think I'll do verywell there.

M: Why not?

W: Because I'm not smart.

M: Yes, it can be scary.

W: Did you ever come close to dropping out, Dad?

M: No. But I worried a lot before I went. I thought college would befull of brains. Once I got there, I found out that most of the kids were justlike me.

(Text 7)

M: Hello, listeners. People around the world are reporting that birdsare much louder these days. Now I've connected with Dr. Salinger and let's hearwhat she will say.

W: We feel that they're singing louder because they sing in typicallynoisy places. But when the noise is gone, they sing quieter than they normallydo.

M: In other words, birds are like us in a noisy bar, for example,people will raise their voices.

W: Exactly. We know that birds sing quieter on the weekend mornings.This is because the noise levels are lower difference.

(Text 8)

M: Hi. I don't think we've met before. I'm Mike.

W: Hi, Mike. My name is Gina. Nice to meet you.

M: Nice to meet you, Gina. Where do you come from?

W: Originally, I'm from Canada, but we moved to Australia when I wasabout 5 years old. Now my parents live in Tokyo. How about you, Mike?

M: I was born in Glasgow and we lived there until I was six. Then,since my father worked for an international trade company, we moved all overthe place.

W: Yeah. Where are some of the places you've lived?

M: Most of the time we lived abroad. We spent a total of 10 years inJapan, Germany, and Korea. We came back to the UK only 2 years ago, but I thinkmy parents would prefer to stay overseas for another 20 years.

W: Wow. It sounds like you've had an interesting life.

(Text 9)

W: Good morning. Welcome the space hero, Mr. Green, to my studio.

M: Hello, Maria. Hello, my dear friends.

W: Well, let's start from the first question I collected from theaudience. Did you have any moments of dizziness since you landed back on theEarth?

M: The first 3 days back were pretty tough. Your body system is allmessed up, so you feel dizzy. It's quite normal, though.

W: Thanks. Another question. Would you go for the first manned Marstravel, if you have the chance?

M: Absolutely. A trip to Mars is hugely exciting. I'm always ready forit.

W: I know you can watch movies on the space station. What's yourfavorite space movie? Some people asked.

M: Apollo 13 is probably my top one. My sons love Blue Earth. It wasbrilliant watching the new movie on board the space station.

(Text 10)

W: Our next dress-up day will be on Friday, October 28th, and it isour annual dress-up day. On this day, students may dress up in fun clothes andthere will be a march around the school. Students are reminded not to carrysharp things such as knives and swords. Please make sure that you can see andbreathe easily if you wear masks. Parents are invited to watch the event butare asked to stand either in front of the office near the flagpole or in thegrassy courtyard. The students will be marching around on the sidewalks, so wedo need to keep all sidewalks clear. Parents and friends may also join in themarch if they are dressed in appropriate clothes. But if you're just watching,we'd like to ask you to stay in one spot to reduce traffic jams. Students who donot wish to take part in the event for religious or other reasons should informtheir teacher, and they will be allowed to stay in the office until after theevent.

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