威廉王子 | 呼吁创造更好的疫苗获取途径

威廉王子 | 呼吁创造更好的疫苗获取途径


Firstly, thank you Lord Darzi and to Dame Sally for your steadfast leadership on this issue. I can confirm what the EU Commissioner said earlier, absolutely nobody says no to Dame Sally.首先,感谢达尔齐勋爵和莎莉夫人在这个问题上坚定的领导立场。我可以证实欧盟专员早些时候所说的话,绝对没有人否定莎莉夫人。
As we've been hearing this morning, antimicrobial resistance threatens our health, our environment, our livelihoods and our future. It is indiscriminate, affecting all countries and all income levels.正如我们今天上午听到的那样,抗微生物药物耐药性威胁着我们的健康、环境、生计和未来。它会肆意地影响到所有国家和所有收入水平的人们。
And we know that poverty and inequality intensify its reach, with poorer parts of the world particularly vulnerable. It makes infections harder to treat increasing the risk of disease spreading and making medical procedures and treatments much riskier. There is an urgent need for new measures to access new and existing vaccines, diagnostics and medicines.我们都知道,贫困和不平等加剧了耐药性的蔓延,世界上较贫困的地区尤其容易受到影响。它让感染更难治疗,增加了疾病传播的风险,使医疗程序和治疗的风险大大增加。现在迫切需要采取新的措施,以获得新的和现有的疫苗、诊断方法和药品。
Today I call upon you once more to act, to create a real Legacy in 2024, for the sake of the millions affected by AMR now, and for the sake of the generations that will follow. Thank you!今天,我再次呼吁各位采取行动,为了现在受抗微生物药物耐药性影响的数百万人,也为了今后的几代人,在2024年创造一份真正的遗产。谢谢!

