Hello Hello精讲 九岁以上及成人

Hello Hello精讲 九岁以上及成人



Hello, hello.


Can you… 你可以做什么吗? 你会什么吗?


Can you clap your hands 你会拍手吗?

Can you stretch up high? 向上伸展

Can you touch your toes? 触摸脚趾 fingers手指

touch your eyes 摸眼睛 nose 鼻子 face 脸 mouth 嘴巴 belly 肚子belly button 肚脐眼

Can you turn around? 你会转身吗?

turn around 转身 spin around 转圈

Can you say hello ?你会说hello 吗?

字母组合ay / ai 发字母a的字母名的音

say / day / May / Play /Kay/way

Rain/ Paint /(你能想到更多的单词吗?)

say(说的话)to (人/ 物)

Can you say hello to daddy / your teacher/mommy?

Can you say I love you? 你可以说我爱你吗?

Can you stamp your feet? 你会跺脚吗?

扩展:儿歌 head shoulders, knees, and toes

绘本 From Head to Toe


Hello hello

Can you clap your hands (唱完双手拍两下)

Hello hello

Can you clap your hands

Can you stretch up high ( 双手向上伸展举过头顶)

Can you touch your toes (摸脚趾)

Can you turn around (转过身再转回来)

Can you say hello (唱完说一声hello)

Hello hello

Can you stamp your feet (唱完跺脚)

Hello hello

Can you stamp your feet

Can you stretch up high

Can you touch your toes

Can you turn around

Can you say hello (重复)

Hello hello

Can you clap your hands

Hello hello

Can you stamp your feet

  • lizongrun