如果你问一个美国人,谁是美国现在最顶流的明星?答案十有八九是Taylor Swift(霉霉)。从十几岁出道、走过二十、到现在三十出头的Taylor一直在用音乐记录自己每个阶段的人生。而她最个人的故事又恰巧是最世界的。用一位美国音评人的话说: She made her own small stories big enough for everyone.
1. Connection and relatability 共鸣
2. Authentic and transparent忠于自我、透明
3. Catchy music and emotional lyrics朗朗上口的旋律、调动情绪的歌词
4. Empowerment and healing 用歌曲赋予人力量
5. Business Acumen商业头脑
6. Loyalty and Support to her fans对粉丝的宠爱和支持
Swifties enjoy her surprise album drops霉霉的粉丝很喜欢她常出其不意发惊喜专辑
1. Connection and relatability 共鸣 2. Authentic and transparent忠于自我、透明 3. Catchy music and emotional lyrics朗朗上口的旋律、调动情绪的歌词 4. Empowerment and healing 用歌曲赋予人力量 5. Business Acumen商业头脑 6. Loyalty and Support to her fans对粉丝的宠爱和支持 Swifties enjoy her surprise album drops霉霉的粉丝很喜欢她常出其不意发惊喜专辑