第2185期:Study: Most Americans Need More Sleep

第2185期:Study: Most Americans Need More Sleep


Less than half of Americans say they are getting enough sleep, according to a recent opinion study by the Gallup organization. 


The poll found that 57 percent of Americans say they would feel better if they could get more sleep. Only 42 percent say they are getting as much sleep as they need. 

民意调查发现,57% 的美国人表示,如果能够获得更多睡眠,他们会感觉更好。 只有 42% 的人表示他们的睡眠充足。 

Gallup carried out the same kind of study in 2013. That time, the results were different. Fifty-six percent said they got enough sleep, while 43 percent said they did not get enough sleep. 

盖洛普在2013年进行了同类研究,但当时的结果有所不同。 56% 的人表示他们睡眠充足,43% 的人表示他们睡眠不足。 

Women under the age of 50 were the most likely to report they are not getting enough rest. Only 27 percent of women in that group said they usually get all the sleep they need. 

50 岁以下的女性最有可能报告她们没有得到足够的休息。 该群体中只有 27% 的女性表示她们通常能获得所需的全部睡眠。 

The poll also asked people to report how many hours of sleep they usually get each night. Only 26 percent said they got eight or more hours. Many sleep experts say adults should aim for eight hours of sleep a night. 

该民意调查还要求人们报告他们通常每晚的睡眠时间。 只有 26% 的人表示他们有 8 个小时或更长时间。 许多睡眠专家表示,成年人的目标应该是每晚睡八小时。 

Just over half of the respondents reported getting between six and seven hours of sleep a night. And 20 percent said they got five hours or less. That number increased from 2013, when 14 percent of respondents reported getting five hours or less.

超过一半的受访者表示每晚睡眠六到七个小时。 20% 的人表示他们的时间不超过五个小时。 这个数字比 2013 年有所增加,当时 14% 的受访者表示工作时间为 5 小时或更少。 

Justine Broughal is a self-employed event planner with two small children. She is 31 years old. Her 4-month-old son still wakes up throughout the night. After her 3-year-old daughter goes to bed, she still needs to do some work in the house. That makes it difficult for her to get the sleep she needs. 

贾斯汀·布鲁尔 (Justine Broughal) 是一名自营活动策划者,有两个小孩。 她今年 31 岁。 她四个月大的儿子仍然整夜醒来。 3岁的女儿睡觉后,她还需要做一些家务。 这使她很难获得所需的睡眠。 

“I really treasure being able to spend time with (my children),” Broughal says. However, she added that it can reduce the amount of time for her to rest and take care of herself. 

“我真的很珍惜能够与(我的孩子们)共度时光,”布鲁尔说。 然而,她补充说,这会减少她休息和照顾自己的时间。 

Claude Fischer is a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. He said that American culture has valued hard work and productivity since the first European immigrants arrived. He added that the religious beliefs of some groups connected hard work with approval from God. 

克劳德·费舍尔是加州大学伯克利分校的社会学教授。 他说,自从第一批欧洲移民抵达以来,美国文化就重视努力工作和生产力。 他补充说,一些群体的宗教信仰将努力工作与上帝的认可联系在一起。 

Working hard, he said, “has been a core part of American culture for centuries.” 


Some Americans also say their busy workdays make them want to stay up late. After a long day of work, spending time at night on social media or watching television can help them lower stress or have some time to themselves. But this reduces the number of hours they can sleep. 

一些美国人还表示,忙碌的工作日让他们想熬夜。 经过一整天的工作后,晚上花时间浏览社交媒体或看电视可以帮助他们减轻压力或享受一些独处的时间。 但这会减少他们的睡眠时间。 

Liz Meshel has experienced this. The 30-year-old American is temporarily living and doing research in Bulgaria. But she also works a part-time job on U.S. hours to help pay her bills. That means she sometimes works until 10 at night local time. 

莉兹·梅舍尔就经历过这一点。 这位30岁的美国人暂时在保加利亚生活和研究。 但她也在美国工作时间做兼职,以帮助支付账单。 这意味着她有时会工作到当地时间晚上 10 点。 

When it is close to her bedtime, she said she thinks about the time she did not have for herself during the day. So, she decides to watch television and look at social media instead of getting to sleep earlier. 

当临近睡觉时间时,她说她会想起白天没有属于自己的时间。 因此,她决定看电视和浏览社交媒体,而不是早点睡觉。 

That, Meshel said, “will always make the problem worse.” 


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