珍妮·古道尔博士 | 2024年90岁生日寄语

珍妮·古道尔博士 | 2024年90岁生日寄语


I think right now we're living through pretty dark times. Certainly, environmentally and socially and politically in many parts of the world and many people are losing hope.我觉得我们正生活在相当黑暗的时代。当然,在世界许多地方,在环境、社会和政治方面,许多人都失去了希望。
Many people come to me and tell me that they feel helpless and hopeless. And when people feel helpless and hopeless, they become apathetic. What's the point of doing anything if you don't think that you can make a difference?很多人来找我,告诉我他们感到无助和绝望。当人们感到无助和绝望时,他们就会变得冷漠。如果你不认为自己能有所作为,那么做任何事情又有什么意义呢?
So I always encourage people to become involved in some project they care about, whatever it happens to be. And then if they can persuade a few friends to work with them, they'll see, you know, we are making a difference here.所以我总是鼓励人们参与他们所关心的项目,不管是什么项目。如果他们能说服几个朋友和他们一起工作,他们就会发现,这里正在被他们改变。
And if you then realize that in other parts of the world, people feel just like you and are doing the same kind of things, that begins to give you hope.如果你意识到,在世界其他地方,人们和你一样,也在做着同样的事情,这就会给你带来希望。
And without hope, you can't have action. But also hope is not something that is just wishful thinking. Hope is about taking action to make the world a better place.没有希望,就不会有行动。但希望也不是一厢情愿的想法。希望就是采取行动,让世界变得更美好。

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