第2157期:AI-operated Robots Write Letters for Humans

第2157期:AI-operated Robots Write Letters for Humans


Humans have been writing by hand for thousands of years. 


Since ancient times, people have used every tool imaginable to share information, do business, and keep records. 


But as computers took over the job and the type-written word became more common, something was lost in the process; namely, the charm and personal nature of a hand-written note or letter. 

但随着计算机接管了这项工作,打字文字变得越来越普遍,一些东西在这个过程中丢失了。 即手写便条或信件的魅力和个性。

Now, letter writing is making a comeback in the form of artificial intelligence-operated robots. These AI robots can write notes for humans in their own handwriting. 

现在,写信正以人工智能操作的机器人的形式卷土重来。 这些人工智能机器人可以用自己的笔迹为人类写笔记。 

David Wachs is the head and founder of Handwrytten. He said businesses use his company’s robots for handwritten letters and “thank-you” notes to create a strong and personal connection with those who receive them. 

David Wachs 是 Handwrytten 的负责人和创始人。 他说,企业使用他公司的机器人来手写信件和“感谢”便条,以与收信人建立牢固的个人联系。 

Many non-profit organizations also use handwritten letters to keep donations coming. It helps turn one-time givers, or donors, into yearly givers, Wachs explained. 

许多非营利组织还使用手写信件来持续捐款。 沃克斯解释说,它有助于将一次性捐赠者或捐赠者转变为每年一次的捐赠者。 

Wachs added, “I think what's old is new again.” 


Automated letter writing is not new. Thomas Jefferson, the third U.S. President, often used a polygraph created by British inventor John Isaac Hawkins. Jefferson considered the device the greatest invention of his time. It let him make copies of his letters to keep for his own records. 

自动写信并不是什么新鲜事。 美国第三任总统托马斯·杰斐逊经常使用英国发明家约翰·艾萨克·霍金斯发明的测谎仪。 杰斐逊认为该装置是他那个时代最伟大的发明。 这让他可以复印信件作为自己的记录。 

Charles Morrill is a historian and professional woodworker who worked as a guide for several years at Monticello, Jefferson’s Virginia home from 1770 until his death in 1826. Morrill said about the polygraph, “Jefferson falls in love with this and it becomes in many ways the hobby of his presidency...He keeps buying machines and exchanges ones that are not quite perfect for the next one that’s a little bit better.” 

查尔斯·莫里尔 (Charles Morrill) 是一位历史学家和专业木工,从 1770 年起一直在杰斐逊位于弗吉尼亚州蒙蒂塞洛的家中担任向导数年,直到他于 1826 年去世。莫里尔谈到测谎仪时说道:“杰斐逊爱上了它,它在很多方面都成为了 这是他总统任期内的爱好……他不断购买机器,并将不太完美的机器换成下一台稍微好一点的机器。” 

The president had more than ten of the devices at one point, Morrill added. Using what he considered wonderful technology, historians say Jefferson went on to write almost 20,000 letters in his lifetime. 

莫里尔补充说,总统曾一度拥有十多个设备。 历史学家称,杰斐逊一生中使用他认为出色的技术写了近 20,000 封信。

In a January 15, 1809 letter to Charles Willson Peale, who worked with Hawkins to develop and perfect the machine, Jefferson wrote: “The use of the polygraph has spoiled me for the old copying press the copies of which are hardly ever legible,” adding, “I could not, now therefore, live without the Polygraph.” 

1809 年 1 月 15 日,杰斐逊在写给与霍金斯一起开发和完善该机器的查尔斯·威尔森·皮尔 (Charles Willson Peale) 的信中写道:“测谎仪的使用让我对老式复印机宠坏了,因为它的复印件几乎无法辨认。” 补充道,“因此,现在我不能没有测谎仪。” 

Morrill remembered that a visitor once told him, “What is it about you Americans and this new, new thing? Other cultures aren't like this. You Americans are just so absolutely convinced that the next new thing is going to do it; the latest software, the latest computer, the latest phone.” 

莫里尔记得,一位访客曾经告诉他:“你们美国人和这个新事物有什么关系? 其他文化并非如此。 你们美国人绝对相信下一个新事物将会做到这一点; 最新的软件、最新的电脑、最新的手机。” 

“And I think this kind of begins with Jefferson,” Morrill added. 


Handwriting technology has greatly changed since Jefferson’s time. 


Wachs says such technology now includes 3D printing and laser cutting, among others. And if users need help thinking of exactly what to write in their notes, they can choose AI to help them create a more effective message. 

Wachs 表示,此类技术现在包括 3D 打印和激光切割等。 如果用户需要帮助思考到底要在笔记中写什么,他们可以选择人工智能来帮助他们创建更有效的信息。 

Whether via the printing press or the polygraph, a computer or a robot, one thing is clear… humans will use whatever tool they have to express themselves through the printed word. 


