Dream is a beacon

Dream is a beacon


Dream is a beacon, guiding the direction of life.
A man without dreams is like a bird without wings;
A man without dreams is like a ship losing its direction.
Facing the sun, it will be hope;
Brave growth is a sharp edge.
I believe that dreams are the best faith.
It guides me forward and makes me stop wandering.
Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, there are many difficulties;
Even in the face of failure, pain and struggle.
As long as you make strong wings,
you can fly against the wind;
As long as hope is turned into strength,
miracles will fall from the sky.
I believe that I am who I am.
Unique and unstoppable;Not afraid of loneliness, not afraid of wind and waves.
Because of you, side by side with me.
I believe in striding forward towards dreams.
We can change the world, we can realize our dreams
I believe I can!
梦想是灯塔,指引人生前进的方向。一个没有梦想的人,就像鸟儿没有翅膀;一个没有梦想的人,就像船只失去方向。面向太阳,就会是希望;勇敢成长,就是种锋芒。我相信,梦想就是最好的信仰。它指引着我向前,让我不再彷徨。就算前路充满荆棘,困难重重;就算面临失败、痛苦、挣扎。只要把坚强作为翅膀,逆风也能飞翔;只要把希望化成力量,奇迹会从天而降。我相信,我就是我。独一无二,势不可挡;不怕孤独,不惧风浪。因为有你,与我并肩。我相信朝着梦想,大步向前。我们可以改变世界 我们可以实现梦想
