威廉王子 | 2024年地球奋斗奖Launchpad活动致辞

威廉王子 | 2024年地球奋斗奖Launchpad活动致辞


Good evening, everyone and thank you for joining us all at this wonderful venue as we celebrate a landmark moment for the Earthshot Prize - the development of Launchpad.大家晚上好!感谢大家在这个美丽的场合与我们共聚一堂,共同庆祝“地球奋斗奖”的一个里程碑时刻——Launchpad的开发。
When I first started thinking about how I might contribute to the collective global effort to protect our planet in 2018, I knew that I wanted to mobilize the enormous power of innovators wherever they are in the world, from businesses, cities and governments to activists, scientists and innovators, the ideas and ambition to set our planet on a healthier path do already exist.2018年,当我第一次考虑如何为保护地球的全球集体努力做出贡献时,我就想调动创新者的巨大力量,从企业、城市和政府到活动家、科学家以及创新者,无论他们身处世界何处,让我们的地球走上更健康道路的想法和雄心确实已生根发芽。
But this is urgent. We are in the critical decade right now. And that is why to have real impact we must focus on supporting and developing as many solutions as possible and scale them at speed.但现在已刻不容缓。我们现在正处于关键的十年。因此为了产生真正的影响,我们必须集中精力,支持和开发尽可能多的解决方案,并迅速加以推广。
It is not an easy task. We must overcome the challenge of getting capital to the right sectors, solutions and geographies. Since 2021, the Earthshot Prize has awarded 15 million pounds worth of prize money and sourced 50 million pounds worth of further support for our 45 winners and finalists.这并非易事。我们必须克服将资金投入正确的行业、解决方案和地区的挑战。自2021年以来,“地球奋斗奖”已为45位获奖者和入围者颁发了价值1,500万英镑的奖金,并提供了价值5,000万英镑的进一步支持。
And since becoming Earthshot Prize finalists, our cohorts have directly improved the lives of almost 4.4 million people and protected or restored almost 22,000 square kilometers of land and ocean. But we want to do more.自有“地球奋斗奖”入围者以来,我们的团队已经直接改善了近440万人的生活,保护或恢复了近 22,000平方公里的土地和海洋。但我们还想做得更多。
That is why I'm delighted that through Launchpad we can now catalyze funding on an even greater scale. We will now be able to connect our innovators right across the world with a huge network of investors and philanthropists.因此,我很高兴通过Launchpad平台,我们可以在更大的范围内催化资金。现在,我们将能够把世界各地的创新者与庞大的投资者和慈善家网络联系起来。
Launchpad is already already gained significant traction, 25 innovative solutions with funding needs exceeding $500 million are currently spotlighted by Launchpad and 135 institutional investors are already signed up as members.Launchpad已经获得了巨大的吸引力,目前有25个融资需求超过5亿美元的创新解决方案受到Launchpad的关注,135个机构投资者已经注册成为会员。
And thanks to Launchpad even in these very early days Earthshot Prize winner Notplar has secured three and a half million pounds worth in funding towards their 10 million funding round.多亏了Launchpad,“地球奋斗奖”得主Notplar公司在早期已获得价值350万英镑的资金,使其融资达到了1千万美元。
I was delighted to spend time with Pierre, the co-founder and co-CEO of Notplar last Friday as they also announced a new multi-million pound contract that will remove 75 million single-use plastic containers from over 50 arenas across the UK and Europe in the next three years.上周五,我很高兴与Notplar的联合创始人兼联合首席执行官皮埃尔共度时光,他还公布了一份价值数百万英镑的新合同,将在未来三年内从英国和欧洲的50多个竞技场清理7,500万个一次性塑料容器。
As Launchpad grows, we will continue to bring best in-class innovations source through our powerful search engine which identifies solutions around the world.随着Launchpad的发展壮大,我们将继续通过强大的搜索引擎在全球范围内寻找解决方案,为客户提供同类最佳的创新产品。
But what we need now is the capital, we need you investors and philanthropists to join us in our mission. Join our community and invite your peers to be a part of this journey, together we can support our innovators to scale their solutions.但我们现在需要的是资金,我们需要各位投资者和慈善家加入我们。加入我们的社区,并邀请您的同行参与这一旅程,我们可以一同支持我们的创新者推广他们的解决方案。
It is only through collective action that we will reach the ambitious 2030 targets we have set to save our planet. It is only through action that we will create a sustainable future for generations to come.只有通过集体行动,我们才能实现在2030年为拯救地球而设定的宏伟目标。只有通过行动,我们才能为子孙后代创造一个可持续发展的未来。
I would like to thank you all again for being here this evening, for taking the first step in joining us on this crucial journey.我要再次感谢各位今晚的光临,感谢你们迈出第一步,与我们一起踏上这条至关重要的征程。

