054-100句常用美语-Here you are

054-100句常用美语-Here you are


Here you are

"Here you are," said the waiter,placing the menu in the customer's hand.

"I've found your keys," theroommate handed them over with a smile, "Here you are."

"Here you are, your change," thecashier announced as she completed the transaction.

"I've prepared the report you askedfor," the assistant presented it, "Here you are."

"Here you are, the tickets yourequested," the agent handed them over at the box office.

"Here you are, your coffee, just theway you like it," the barista said with a nod.

"I've reserved this seat foryou," the hostess gestured to the empty chair, "Here you are."

"Here you are, the documents youneeded for the meeting," the secretary handed them over.

"Here you are, your new phone, all setup and ready to use," the salesperson demonstrated.

"I've found the perfect gift foryou," the friend presented the wrapped package, "Here you are."

"Here you are, the latest edition ofthe magazine you enjoy," the newsstand vendor offered.

"Here you are, your room isready," the hotel receptionist handed over the key card.

"Here you are, the final draft of thepaper," the student handed it to the professor.

"Here you are, your shoppingbag," the grocery store clerk handed it to the customer.

"Here you are, the directions youasked for," the information desk attendant provided.

"Here you are, your boarding pass forFlight 218," the airline representative confirmed.

"I've made the reservation for therestaurant," the travel agent said, presenting the confirmation,"Here you are."

"Here you are, the keys to theapartment," the landlord handed them over.

"Here you are, your rental car,"the car rental agent said, completing the paperwork.

"Here you are, the Wi-Fi password,"the host provided as they settled the guest in.


1. "给您,"服务员边说边把菜单递到顾客手中。

2. "我找到你的钥匙了,"室友笑着递过来,"给您。"

3. "这是您的找零,"收银员边说边完成交易。

4. "我准备了您要求的报告,"助理边说边递过去,"给您。"

5. "这是您预订的票,"票房代理递过去,"给您。"

6. "这是您的咖啡,按照您的喜好做的,"咖啡师边说边点头。

7. "我为您预留了这个座位,"女主人指着空椅子,"给您。"

8. "这是您会议需要的文件,"秘书递过去。

9. "这是您的新手机,已经设置好可以使用了,"销售人员边演示边说。

10. "我找到了完美的礼物给你,"朋友递过包装好的礼物,"给您。"

11. "这是您喜欢的杂志的最新版,"报摊摊贩提供,"给您。"

12. "这是您的房间钥匙,"酒店接待员递过房卡。

13. "这是论文的最终稿,"学生递给教授。

14. "这是您的购物袋,"杂货店店员递给顾客。

15. "这是您问的路线图,"信息咨询台工作人员提供。

16. "这是您乘坐218航班的登机牌,"航空公司代表确认。

17. "我已经为您预订了餐厅,"旅行社工作人员递过确认单,"给您。"

18. "这是公寓的钥匙,"房东递过去。

19. "这是您的租赁汽车,"汽车租赁代理边说边完成文件。

20. "这是Wi-Fi密码,"主人边提供边安顿客人。

