第22章02. Sudden weal

第22章02. Sudden weal


  'Mr Rivers!'I interrupted,unable to keep silent.
  'I can imagine how you feel,'he replied,'but wait till I've finished.I don't know anything about Mr Rochester's character,but I do know that he offered to marry this young girl,who only discovered during the wedding ceremony that he was in fact already married,to a mad woman.The governess disappeared soon after this,and although investigations have been carried out,and advertisements placed in newspapers,and every effort made to find her,nobody knows where she's gone.But she must be found!Mr Briggs,a lawyer,has something very important to tell her.'
  'Just tell me one thing,'I said urgently.'What about Mr Rochester?How and where is he?What's he doing?Is he well?'
  'I know nothing about Mr Rochester.Why don't you ask the name of the governess,and why everybody is looking for her?'
  'Did Mr Briggs write to Mr Rochester?'I asked.
  'He did,but he received an answer not from him,but from the housekeeper,a Mrs Fairfax.'
  I felt cold and unhappy.No doubt Mr Rochester had left England for a life of wild pleasure in the cities of Europe.That was what I had been afraid of.Oh,my poor master—once almost my husband—who I had often called' my dear Edward'!
  'As you won't ask the governess's name,I'll tell you myself,'continued St John.'I've got it written down.It's always better to have facts in black and white.'And he took out of his wallet a tiny piece of paper,which I recognized as part of my sketch book,and showed it to me.On it I read,in my own writing,'JANE EYRE',which I must have written without thinking.


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