008 PBC明确2024年重点工作

008 PBC明确2024年重点工作


BEIJING, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- China's central bank vowed to provide strong and effective support for steady economic growth and high-quality development this year at a work conference in Beijing on Thursday and Friday. 

Work will be done to deepen supply-side structural reform in the financial sector, expand high-level opening up in an orderly manner, and strengthen countercyclical and cross-cycle adjustments, according to a statement of the People's Bank of China.

Prudent monetary policies will be flexible, moderate, precise, and effective, and the growth of social financing and the money supply will be matched with the economic growth and price levels. The renminbi's exchange rate will remain stable at a reasonable and balanced level.

The statement said major areas and weak links will receive more financial support, including technological innovation, carbon emission reduction, agriculture, small firms, the private economy, and rural revitalization.

The opening up of the financial markets will be promoted, with easier access for foreign investors to China's bond market. The central bank will also actively participate in international financial governance and expand global cooperation. The yuan's internationalization will also take solid steps.

Efforts will be made to guard against and properly defuse financial risks in major fields.

Efforts will also be made to deepen financial reforms, improve financial services and management, and push forward institutional reform and business process optimization, according to the statement.

  • 资深青年_一扬

    the People's Bank of China 中国人民银行 Prudent monetary policies will be flexible, moderate, precise, and effective稳健的货币政策灵活适度、精准有效

  • 资深青年_一扬


  • 资深青年_一扬

    在防范化解金融风险方面,中国人民银行将指导金融机构按照市场化、法治化原则,合理运用债务重组、置换等手段,支持融资平台债务风险化解。因城施策精准实施好差别化住房信贷政策,满足各类房地产企业合理融资需求,抓好房地产“金融十六条”及金融支持保障性住房建设、“平急两用”公共基础设施建设、城中村改造等政策落实。推动化解中小金融机构风险,推动重点机构风险处置。   在金融市场建设方面,中国人民银行明确提出,要建设规范、透明、开放、有活力、有韧性的金融市场,进一步优化融资结构、市场体系、产品体系,为实体经济发展提供更高质量、更有效率的融资服务。

  • 资深青年_一扬

    在货币政策方面,中国人民银行提出“稳健的货币政策灵活适度、精准有效”,这与中央经济工作会议的要求相一致。2024年,中国人民银行强调“注重新增信贷均衡投放,提高存量资金使用效率”,并明确“促进社会综合融资成本稳中有降”的目标。   落实好加大力度支持科技型企业融资行动方案,延续实施碳减排支持工具和普惠养老专项再贷款,抓好金融支持民营经济25条举措落实……会议提到了一系列现有政策和工具,聚焦五篇大文章支持重点领域和薄弱环节。