


The truth about menopause and weight gain

Menopause and weight gain seem to go hand in hand.

“I went to sleep and I woke up the next day, and I promise you, I’ve gained 20 pounds.” That’’s the complaint Dr. Monica Christmas hears all the time as director of the menopause program at University of Chicago Medicine, where she is also an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology.

Women do gain about 1½ pounds per year during their 40s and 50s. And a lot of that extra weight seems to land in the midsection, setting the stage for metabolic problems including high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol, all of which increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

But is menopause really to blame for women’s midlife weight gain? As with so many health issues, it’s complicated. 

Christmas said it’s impossible to talk about weight gain around menopause without talking about the other elephant in the room: aging. “Menopause is inextricably tied to the aging process,” she said.

“Aging in general is associated with weight gain, more so because of lifestyle changes: being more sedentary, not as active as we once were,” Christmas said.
“一般来说,衰老与体重增加有关,尤其是生活方式的改变: 更喜欢久坐,不像以前那么活跃,”克里斯莫斯说。

She said it usually doesn’t happen all at once. Instead, changing life circumstances, such as more job and parenting responsibilities, conspire to rob us of time for leisure pursuits that used to keep us active. “We started slowly realizing … ‘I didn’t make time for those types of things,’” she said.

And there’s at least one more factor that contributes to weight gain as we age. “The reality of it is that our metabolism slows as we get older,” she said. One oft-cited study found that it remains fairly stable between the ages of 20 and 60 but then declines.

But it is far from a lost cause, Christmas said. “The weight gain doesn’t happen with everybody; people that are really active, that are meticulous about exercise, that are intentional about what they fuel their bodies with, it’s probably a minimal change.”

Christmas believes in treating your diet like you treat your bank account: Be meticulous about what you choose to put into it and how you spend your calories.  She also advises against going too heavy on the meat. 
克里斯莫斯的理念是像对待你的银行账户一样对待你的饮食: 在选择吃进去什么以及如何消耗卡路里方面要一丝不苟。克里斯莫斯还建议不要吃太多的肉。

Exercise is key to maintaining a healthy weight and combating the muscle loss that comes with aging and can put older adults at higher risk of disability.

“The adage ‘use it or lose it’ could not be truer during the menopause transition,” Christmas said.

Limit alcohol or avoid it altogether.  “Outside of the extra calories, alcohol can disrupt sleep, exacerbate or trigger depression and often decrease our inhibition,” Christmas said. “Most people tend to eat more — and it’s usually not more veggies — when they drink alcohol.”
限制饮酒或完全不饮酒。 “除了额外的卡路里,酒精还会扰乱睡眠,加剧或引发抑郁,并经常降低我们的抑制力,”克里斯莫斯说。“大多数人在喝酒时往往会吃得更多——而通常不是吃更多的蔬菜。”

 “Research has shown that not getting enough sleep is associated with weight gain,” Christmas said. “People that don’t get enough sleep often snack more and indulge in all the high-calorie foods we should avoid.” 

Menopause is a natural phase of life that may be associated with bothersome symptoms including weight gain — but don’t let that extinguish your joy.

 “It’s important to be intentional about engaging in regular exercise and adhering to a healthy diet; however, it is equally as important to create space for self-care,” Christmas said. “For some — not all — the menopause transition can be frightening. Making time to do things that bring us joy and peace are important to overall well-being.” 
 “有意识地进行定期锻炼和坚持健康饮食非常重要; 然而,为自我保健创造空间也同样重要,” 克里斯莫斯说。“对一些人(不是所有人)来说,更年期的过渡可能是令人恐惧的。抽出时间做一些能给我们带来快乐和平静的事情对整体健康很重要。” 

obstetrics and gynecology

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