006 2023央企十大超级工程

006 2023央企十大超级工程


BEIJING, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) -- China's state-owned assets regulator published a list on Wednesday of mega-projects that were completed or started construction in 2023 by the country's central state-owned enterprises.

Among the projects that exemplified super engineering are the launch of Shenzhou-17 manned spaceship, the operation of China's new-generation "artificial sun" HL-3 in the high-confinement mode under a plasma current of 1 million amperes, and the kickstart of a new nuclear power unit using Hualong One, a domestically designed third-generation nuclear reactor.

The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, the cross-sea underwater tunnel between the cities of Shenzhen and Zhongshan, the main project of a grid that significantly uplifted the power supply in the Greater Bay Area have been included in the list. 

The building of an intelligent computing center and a large ethylene project, the operation of an eco-friendly offshore oil field, and the commercial service that supports the two-way connection between consumer-grade 5G terminals and satellites also made it into the top 10.

The selection, organized by news outlets under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, were based on public opinion poll and expertise.

  • 资深青年_一扬

    06全球首发手机直连卫星运营级产品上线商用。2023年9月,中国电信发布“手机直连卫星”商用服务,是全球首个支持消费级5G终端直连卫星双向语音和短信的运营级产品。 07全球运营商最大的单体智算中心启动建设。 08雅万高铁开通运行。 09深中通道主线贯通。2023年11月28日,世界最长最宽钢壳沉管隧道——深中通道海底隧道全幅贯通。 10“华龙一号”西部首堆商运。机组的成功投产,验证了我国三代核电技术和先进核电仪控装备的良好融合。

  • 资深青年_一扬

    相关新闻: 2023年度央企十大超级工程 01新一代可控核聚变装置实现高约束模式运行。2023年8月25日,新一代人造太阳“中国环流三号”取得重大科研进展,首次实现100万安培等离子体电流下的高约束模式运行。 02神舟十七号发射成功。 03洛阳百万吨乙烯项目暨绿色石化先进材料产业基地开工。 04我国海上亿吨级油田垦利6-1完成钻井作业。单个平台可实现年均减少二氧化碳排放近万吨,对后续油气田建设实现智能化、规模化、标准化将具有良好的实践意义。 05广东目标网架主体工程建成投产。广东电网目标网架工程将提升粤港澳大湾区电力基础设施互联互通水平,显著提高广东电力供应服务能力。