威廉王子 | 伦敦航空救护慈善机构筹款晚宴致辞

威廉王子 | 伦敦航空救护慈善机构筹款晚宴致辞


Thank you, Jonathan, and good evening, everyone. Thank you all for being here tonight. And thank you to all those whose hard work has made this evening possible. I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you also for the kind messages of support for Catherine and for my father, especially in recent days. It means a great deal to us all.谢谢,乔纳森,各位晚上好,非常感谢你们的到来。也要特别感谢所有辛勤工作的人,让今晚的活动成为可能。我还要特别感谢近日来为凯瑟琳和我父亲送来的善意支持,这对我们来说意义非凡。
It’s fair to say the past few weeks have had a rather “medical” focus. So I thought I’d come to an air ambulance function to get away from it all!可以说过去几周一直都围绕着医疗问题,所以我想来到这个航空救护活动中,暂时远离这一切!
But, seriously, we gather tonight to help as many as people as possible benefit from top-class care in the silhouette of London Air Ambulance’s flying lifelines. As a former pilot for East Anglia Air Ambulance, I know just how vital the work of air ambulance teams across the country is and the truly life-saving difference it can make to deliver urgent medical care wherever injury strikes.但说真的,我们今晚聚在一起的目的是为了帮助尽可能多的人从伦敦航空救护队的飞行生命线中获益。作为前东盎格利亚航空救护队的飞行员,我深知全国各地空中救护队的工作有多么重要,以及在伤病发生时提供紧急医疗护理所能带来的真正挽救生命的巨大差异。
Here in London, the current aircraft have served magnificently. But our capital city needs a new fleet. And we are “Up Against Time”. The clue really is in the Appeal’s name. By September, we need the two new red birds - decked with the latest kit such as night vision - in our skies.伦敦现有的飞机已经做出了巨大贡献,但我们的首都需要一支全新的舰队。我们不得不争分夺秒,这也正是募捐活动名字的暗示。到九月份,我们需要两架全新的红色直升机,配备最先进的夜视装备等设备,飞上我们的蓝天。
You wouldn’t be here if you needed much persuading, I know. But just wait to hear Milana’s story later of how the Air Ambulance, and its incredible teams, have given her a second chance at life. 我知道,如果你们还需要说服,就不会来这里了。大家晚上稍后将会听到米兰娜的故事,她将讲述航空救护队和令人难以置信的团队如何给予她重新活下来的第二次机会。
I should also take this opportunity to give a mention to my - our - fellow pilot, Tom Cruise. Tom, huge thanks for supporting us tonight.我也要借此机会向我的飞行员伙伴——汤姆·克鲁斯致敬。汤姆,非常感谢你今晚的支持。
And…and, Tom, if you wouldn’t mind not borrowing either of the new helicopters for the next “Mission: Impossible”, it would be appreciated. We have all seen on our screens that - how can I put it - you seem to have a different take on ”normal wear and tear” to the rest of us. It’s not the kind that buffs out.汤姆,非常感谢你今晚的支持。但是,如果你不介意的话,希望你下一部《碟中谍》不要再借用我们的新直升机,因为我们都看到你在大银幕上的表现,你对‘正常磨损’的理解似乎不同,这种磨损显然不是那种可以擦掉的。
Anyway, an enormous thank you to everyone involved for tonight and for all of you being here and supporting such a wonderful and important cause. You’re all - each and every one of you - lifesavers. Thank you.再次感谢大家的支持和祝福。你们的善意信息给了我们力量和勇气,让我们知道我们不是孤单的。我衷心希望我们能够为伦敦航空救护队的新飞机筹集到所需的资金。让我们携手努力,为那些需要紧急救援的人提供希望和生命的机会。谢谢大家!

  • 大大麦兜X

    What about your wife? Is she saved by you or any other savers?

  • 拉斐尔的女神
