史蒂芬·弗莱 | 讲暖心故事《圣诞老人忘记了》

史蒂芬·弗莱 | 讲暖心故事《圣诞老人忘记了》


Dementia can affect anyone, even those most special to us. But Alzheimer’s Research UK believes that research has the power to change the future. If you believe too, then please watch and share our film this Christmas.


Once upon a time, in a town not too far from here, a little girl named Freya was preparing for Christmas. But Christmas wasn’t quite as magical as it used to be. Someone was missing, tucked away and forgotten. Freya asked her dad:”who is this?”


So her dad began to tell her the story, the story of Santa Claus. How one Christmas Eve, things started to go wrong. He began to mix up presents and muddle names. He seemed sad, distant and afraid. Year by year, things got steadily worse. Until finally, he stopped coming altogether.


But Freya didn’t want to believe the story ended there, so she set off on a journey with an idea of how to help. Because she believed something could be done. Freya gathered the elves around, and show them that maybe if a broken mechanism could be mended, then so could Santa.


The elves now had a new purpose, one that would take all their commitment and determination. Because if Santa had a disease, research could find a way to fix it.


(Freya)I believe in you!


Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, it can affect anyone. But everyone can play a part in fighting back this Christmas. Only research has the power to change the future.


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