

Peppa Pig caused controversy amongst American parents. The beloved British programme has not gone down well across the pond after star Peppa was branded a "brat" and said to have taught children "rudeness and impatience".

Now as some families move to ban it completely, a UK child behaviourist has said the cartoon can be "problematic" as it showcases language and attitudes that are unkind and impolite.


1. cause controversy amongst 在……引起争议
· controversy n. 争议,争论
· amongst prep. 在……之间(among)
2. beloved /bɪˈlʌvɪd/ /bɪˈlʌvd/ adj. 深爱的
3. go down well 反响很好(get a good reaction)
4. across the pond(本文)在大西洋彼岸的美国(on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean from Britain/the US)
· pond n. 池塘
5. brand /brænd/ n. 商标;(本文)v. 贴上某种标签
6. brat /bræt/ n. 顽童,没规矩的孩子 (a badly behaved child)
7. move to 开始采取某种行动
8. child behaviourist 儿童行为学家
9. problematic /ˌprɒbləˈmætɪk/ adj. 成问题的(full of problems)
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