席卷社群的「棕色噪音」 你听过了吗? Ⅱ|2024年4月号

席卷社群的「棕色噪音」 你听过了吗? Ⅱ|2024年4月号


Some people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are able to concentrate better when they listen to brown noise. For some people with ADHD, brown noise is like a soft blanket for one’s brain. It could work by sound masking: covering other sounds in the background with a continuous hum. Thus, brown noise can also improve sleep, blocking out sudden changes in noise that may wake you up.

There’s a definite possibility that the placebo effect may be responsible for brown noise’s benefits. If you want to believe in brown noise’s healing effects, you’ll likely feel them.Brown noise hasn’t been officially investigated much yet, but studies have shown that white noise improves sleep quality.

If you listen to brown noise to sleep, don’t set the volume too loud. Also, only listen to the sound for a short time. It’s a good idea to keep the lights off and the temperature cool, too.Finally, don’t worry if brown noise doesn’t work for you. What one person finds calming may be distracting to someone else!




1.responsible ( adj.)作为原由的;造成…的

   A beV responsible for B A 是造成 B 的原因

Lana was responsible for the mistake that caused everyone in the office to stay late.

2.benefit (n.)益处;好处

Being close to nature is one of the benefits of living in the countryside.

3. healing (adj.)疗愈的;有疗效的

Some people find that having pets is very healing. They make their owners feel much better.

4. officially (adv.)正式地

The government officially told us that we shouldn’t go to work or school tomorrow because of the typhoon.

5. investigate (v.)调查;探究

The fire department is still investigating what caused the building to burn down in the middle of the night.

6. volume (n.)音量

When Kevin plays his music too loudly, his sister will ask him to turn the volume down.

