席卷社群的「棕色噪音」 你听过了吗? Ⅰ|2024年4月号

席卷社群的「棕色噪音」 你听过了吗? Ⅰ|2024年4月号


If you’ve been watching TikTok videos lately, you might have noticed the buzz about brown noise. In fact, there are over 85.3 million views for #brownnoise!

Let’s learn about what brown noise actually is. The “brown” part doesn’t mean the color, but Brownian motion. This was discovered by scientist Robert Brown in 1827 and explains the way that particles move in liquid or gas. The sound signals of brown noise change irregularly in a way that’s similar to Brownian motion. Brown noise is now grouped with sonic hues such as white noise, pink noise, and more.

How is brown noise different from white noise? The answer is the sound’s frequency. White noise combines all frequencies to create a sound with a high pitch.This usually doesn’t occur in nature and could sound like the hum of a vacuum cleaner. On the other hand, brown noise’s low frequencies are louder than its high ones. Brown noise sounds more natural, like the roar of a river or waterfall.

People are listening to brown noise because of all kinds of health claims. However, more studies are needed to conclude whether or not it’s actually effective.

如果你最近有观看抖音的影片,你可能有注意到有关棕色噪音的传闻。事实上,#棕色噪音已经有超过 8530 万的观看次数!

让我们来了解棕色噪音到底是什么吧。这里的「棕色」指的并不是颜色,而是布朗运动。布朗运动是由科学家罗伯特.布朗在 1827 年发现的,它解释了粒子在液体或气体中的运动模式。棕色噪音的声音信号以不规则的方式变化,类似于布朗运动。棕色噪音现在与白噪音、粉红噪音等色相噪音被归为一类。



1. buzz (n.)流言;传闻

There’s been a lot of buzz about the sudden increase in crime over the past few weeks.

2. pitch (n.)(声音的)高低度;声调

During the music lesson, the students learned about the importance of pitch in melodies.

3. hum (n.)(持续且低沉的)嗡嗡声

The hum of the air conditioner provided a calming noise during the hot day.

4. roar (n.)(风或海持续的)呼啸声,怒号声

The typhoon was very powerful; we could hear the roar of the wind outside the window.

5. conclude (v.)断定;做出结论

After we looked at our bank account, we concluded that we should go to restaurants less often.

6. effective (adj.)有效的

Lying down in a dark room wasn’t effective in curing my headache. I had to take medicine to feel better.

