第2114期:new species of flying reptile discovered in Scotland

第2114期:new species of flying reptile discovered in Scotland


This flying reptile soared over the heads of dinosaurs when Scotland was part of a sub-tropical island in the Middle Jurassic period. Scientists found its wings, shoulders, leg and backbone embedded in limestone rock on a beach. Only the skull was missing. To protect it, the fragile fossil was transported from Skye in the researchers' backpacks.


This creature is called Ceoptera meaning mist in Scottish Gaelic. Fossils from this era are extremely rare, and the discovery changes what's known about the flying reptiles. Experts now believe they lived much earlier and had a global distribution. It had been thought that they mostly lived in China. The fossil was found in 2006, but it took years of painstaking work to extract it from the hard rock for classification.

这种新发现的翼龙被命名为 “雾翼龙(Ceoptera)”,在苏格兰盖尔语中指 “薄雾”。侏罗纪中期时代的化石极其罕见,这一发现改变了人们对该时期飞行爬行动物的认识。专家们现在认为,翼龙生活的时期比预想得更早,而且它们曾遍布全球各地。早前人们一直认为翼龙大多生活在中国。尽管这些化石于2006年被发现,但考古学家们在经过多年的辛勤工作后才得以将化石从坚硬的岩石中提取出来以对其进行分类。


soared 飞翔,翱翔
embedded 嵌入…之中的
fossil 化石
distribution 分布
painstaking 极其仔细的,艰苦的
classification 分类

