2.5 美音朗读版

2.5 美音朗读版

  • MissFang0000

    If you think a negative thought, you're gonna go on a downward spiral. If you think a positive thought, you'll attract wonderful things to you.

  • 听友315038891

    If you think a negative thought, you're gonna go on a downward spiral. If you think a positive thought, you'll attract wonderful things to you.

  • 感性的洋葱头

    If you think a negative thought, you're gonna go on a downward spiral. If you think a positive thought, you'll attract wonderful things to you.

  • 蓝银溪

    If you think a negative thought, you're gonna go on a downward spiral. If you think a positive thought, you'll attract wonderful things to you.

  • 1398325eiqp

    If you think a negative thought, you're gonna go on a downward spiral. If you think a positive thought, you'll attract wonderful things to you.

  • 悦言乐

    If you think a negative thought, you’re gonna go on a downward spiral. If you think a positive thought, you’Ⅱ attract wonderful things to you.  如果你常抱消极心态,境遇便会每况愈下。如果你常怀积极心态,美好则会如约而至。 吸引力法则的神奇,相信什么,就会实现。