2.1 英音朗读版

2.1 英音朗读版

  • Almar

    LiChun, or the beginning of Spring as it is known, is the first of the 24 Solar Terms. It marks the starting point on the wheel of the four seasons, when the world is all revived.

  • 悦言乐

    Lichun, or the beginning of Spring as it is known, is the first of the 24 Solar Terms. It marks the starting point on the wheel of the four seasons, when the world is all revived. 立春是24节气中的第一个节气。它标志着四季轮回的起点,春回大地,万物复苏。 ——立春, 为二十四节气之首。 立,是“开始”之意; 春,代表着温暖、生长。