第2084期: Meet me in Istanbul

第2084期: Meet me in Istanbul


It is early morning on a sunny spring day in April. Heathrow Airport, London, is busy, as usual. Hundreds of people are arriving, leaving, or waiting for planes. In the departure Lounge of Terminal One, a man is sitting reading a newspaper. 


He doesn't like airports. There are too many people, and he is always nervous when he flies. He looks at his watch impatiently. Then he hears the announcement over the loudspeakers.


'British Airways announces the departure of Flight BE570 for Istanbul. Will passengers please proceed to Gate 16 for boarding.' Tom Smith picks up his suitcase and walks towards Gate 16. 

英国航空宣布 BE570 航班飞往伊斯坦布尔。请旅客前往16号登机口登机。汤姆·史密斯拿起行李箱,朝 16 号登机口走去。

Twenty minutes later, the plane is preparing to leave. It moves slowly across the airport to runway number two. Tom is sitting looking out of the window. The plane suddenly moves forward, races down the runway and rises into the air.


Tom looks down at the houses and roads far below, and smiles. London is behind him. Now he is on his way to Istanbul. Tom relaxed and took a letter from his pocket. Resat Bey Apt 11-3, Kamerot Sokak, Ayazpasa, Istanbul.

汤姆低头看着下面远处的房屋和道路,微笑着。伦敦在他身后。现在他正在前往伊斯坦布尔的路上。汤姆放松下来,从口袋里拿出一封信。 Resat Bey Apt 11-3, Kamerot Sokak, 阿亚兹帕夏, 伊斯坦布尔。

My dear Tom, Thank you for your letter. I am so happy that you can come and visit me for a holiday. Life here in Istanbul is very interesting. I am enjoying my work, but I miss you very much. It will be wonderful to see you again. I'm sure we will have a very nice holiday. Spring is here, and the weather is beautiful. I have to work on Monday 14th of April, the day you arrive. So I can't come to the airport to meet you, but you can take a taxi from the Air Terminal to Taksim Square.

我亲爱的汤姆,谢谢你的来信。我很高兴你能来看我度假。伊斯坦布尔的生活非常有趣。我很享受我的工作,但我非常想念你。再次见到你真是太好了。我相信我们会度过一个非常愉快的假期。春天来了,气候宜人。我必须在 4 月 14 日星期一上班,也就是你到达的那天。所以我不能来机场接你,但你可以从航站楼乘出租车到塔克西姆广场。

That's in the centre of the new part of the city. There's a big hotel called the Park Hotel near the square. I'll meet you there at 5 O'clock. We'll meet in the American Bar. The view over the city is beautiful. I can't wait to see you again, Tom. I have so much to tell you. So remember, the Park Hotel, Taksim Sqaure, 5 O'clock. See you on the 14th. Love, Angela.

那是在城市新区的中心。广场附近有一家大酒店,叫公园酒店。我五点钟在那里见你。我们将在美国酒吧见面。城市的景色很美丽。我迫不及待地想再次见到你,汤姆。我有很多话要告诉你。所以请记住,公园酒店,塔克西姆广场,5 点钟。 14 号见。爱你,安吉拉。

Tom sat for a moment, looking at his fiance's letter. Then he put it in his pocket. He looked down the green fields of France, as the plane continued its journey across Europe. 'Have you been to Istanbul before?' said a voice. It was the young man in the next seat. 'No, I haven't,' said Tome. 'Have you?'

The man smiled. 'My home is in Istanbul. I'm studying in London at the moment. I'm going home for a holiday.' 'Really?' said Tom. 'Where are you studying?' 'At London University.' The two men sat talking, as the stewardesses began serving lunch.

汤姆坐了一会儿,看着未婚夫的信。然后他把它放进口袋里。当飞机继续穿越欧洲的旅程时,他俯视着法国的绿色田野。 “你以前去过伊斯坦布尔吗?”一个声音说道。正是邻座的年轻人。 “不,我没有,”托梅说。 '你?'

The young man told Tom his name was Kemal. His parents had a shop in Istanbul. 'Are you meeting someone in Istanbul?' Kemal asked. 'My fiance,' said Tom. 'She's working in Istanbul.' 'That's interesting. How long has she been there?' 

年轻人告诉汤姆他的名字叫凯末尔。他的父母在伊斯坦布尔有一家商店。 “你在伊斯坦布尔见某人吗?”凯末尔问道。 “我的未婚夫,”汤姆说。 “她在伊斯坦布尔工作。” '那很有意思。她在那里多久了?

She went to Istanbul two months ago. She works for a small company which is starting to export to England. She's making all the arrangements.' 'Exporting always seems so difficult,' said Kemal. 'It seems difficult,' Tom agreed. 'But that's Angela's job. She's an expert in importing and exporting. Her father has an import/export agency in London and she has worked for him for some years. She's almost completed her work in Istanbul now. The company has already started to send goods to England. She'll be coming back to London soon.'

两个月前她去了伊斯坦布尔。她在一家小公司工作,该公司开始向英国出口。她正在做所有的安排。 “出口似乎总是那么困难,”凯末尔说。 “这似乎很难,”汤姆同意道。 “但那是安吉拉的工作。”她是进出口方面的专家。她的父亲在伦敦有一家进出口机构,她已经为他工作了几年。她现在几乎完成了在伊斯坦布尔的工作。该公司已经开始向英国发送货物。她很快就会回到伦敦。

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