凯瑞·穆里根 | 2023年Varity年度女性力量奖致辞

凯瑞·穆里根 | 2023年Varity年度女性力量奖致辞


That's so nice. That may be may be quite emotional. Thank you, Emerald Fennell. I was quite nervous about speaking in this very prestigious, auspicious room, so she texted me earlier saying: You know, good luck! I'm here, I'm rooting for you, I'm going to be with you. And I said: Oh, thanks mate!谢谢你的介绍,听了让我非常激动,谢谢你,埃默拉尔德·芬内尔。在这个非常喜庆,富有声望的房间里发言,我感到非常紧张。所以她之前给我发短信说:祝你好运,我会在这里支持你,我会和你在一起。我说:谢谢你,我的好伙伴!
And then she sent me a picture of her outfit and she said too much tit for charity talk. And I think we can all agree not too much tit for charity talk, perfect amount. So thank you for that.然后她给我发了一张她的服装照,她说晚会关于慈善话题太多了,我们都同意不要过多谈论这个话题,要恰到好处。谢谢你的提醒。
I'm really... I'm so...I really... am very excited, grateful to be here to talk about War child, because I think it's a charity that maybe some of you don't know about. So I'm here to talk about War child UK and Children in Conflict which is the American wing of War child.我真的......感到非常激动,也很感激能在这里谈论战争儿童,因为我想这也许是你们很多人不知道的一个慈善机构。我今天要讲的是英国战地儿童基金会和冲突中的儿童也就是美国战地儿童基金会。
Firstly, because they do the most extraordinary work, helping, protecting and educating children in some of the most dangerous conflicts in the world. And secondly, because their work has never been more necessary or important than right now.首先,因为他们做着最非凡的工作,在世界上一些最危险的冲突中帮助、保护和教育儿童。其次,因为他们的工作从来没有像现在这样必要和重要。
We talk a lot about mental health in 2023 which I think is amazing and important and as a parent of three children, two of whom are in school. I think a lot about their mental health. And I think about how I can protect them from anything that might tarnish their sunny childhood.我们在2023年谈了很多关于心理健康的话题,我认为这很了不起,也很重要。我经常担心儿童的心理健康问题。我想的是如何保护他们,不让他们的阳光童年受到任何玷污。
I think what if my little boy goes on a play date and there's a kid that plays a really violent video game, and he sees stuff on the video game or what if my daughter Eevee goes to someone's house and they've got a phone, and they're scrolling on Tik Tok and they see something inappropriate that kind of stuff worries me. And I think it worries, you know, lots of parents.我在想,如果我的儿子去约会,有一个孩子在玩非常暴力的电子游戏,他也看到了电子游戏里的东西,或者如果我的女儿伊芙去别人家,他们在用手机刷抖音,看到了一些不合适的东西,这些都会让我担心。我认为很多家长都会感到担忧。
So imagine then the worries of a mother in a conflict zone. Her worries might be something more like this, what if my child sees a family member shot; what if my child's best friend is killed in an air strike; what if my home is destroyed and we need to flee to a refugee camp; what if my child is kidnapped.但想象一下冲突地区的这些母亲的担忧。她的担忧可能是这样的:如果我的孩子看到家人被枪杀怎么办?如果我孩子的好朋友在空袭中丧生怎么办?如果我的家被摧毁,我们需要逃到难民营怎么办?如果我的孩子被绑架怎么办?
These aren't hypothetical, I know this because I've met countless parents in Ukraine, in Iraq, in Jordan and on the Syrian border and in the Democratic Republic of Congo who have to consider these questions. They're questions that parents are asking themselves tonight, right now as we sit here.这些都不是假设,我知道这一点是因为我在乌克兰、伊拉克、约旦、叙利亚边境和刚果民主共和国遇到过无数需要考虑这些问题的父母。今晚,当我们坐在这里的时候,他们还在问自己这些问题。
So this is why War child exists. They are leaders in the field of psychosocial support and Trauma counseling for for these children and their staff quite literally put their lives on the line every day to provide protection, education and support for children who through no fault of their own have found themselves in a parent’s worst nightmare.这就是战地儿童基金会存在的意义。他们是为这些儿童提供社会心理支持和心理创伤咨询的领导者,他们的工作人员每天都冒着生命危险,为孩子们提供保护、教育和支持,而这些孩子并不是因为自己的过错让父母陷入了最糟糕的噩梦。
I've been privileged to be in the room when I've seen a child, a traumatized child engaging with a war child team member and just seen the light come on in their eyes for the first time. And it's something you can't put value on.我曾有幸在房间里看到一个孩子,一个受过创伤的孩子与战地儿童团队成员接触,第一次看到他们的眼睛里有了光亮。那是一种你无法估量的东西。
So I've talked to my children who are six and eight a lot about war child, and they know Rob Williams who's our incredible CEO very well. And everyone wants to impress Rob because he's the coolest and just got back from negotiating with the Taliban, which is pretty cool.因此,我经常和我六岁和八岁的孩子们谈论战地儿童,他们也非常了解罗布·威廉姆斯,他是我们非常厉害的首席执行官。每个人都想给罗布留下深刻印象,因为他是最酷的,而且刚从塔利班谈判回来,非常酷。
So I talk a lot about Rob and I talk a lot about war child and I talk about what they do and you know that we fund raise. And so they've started fundraising which is very sweet.所以我经常谈论罗布,也经常谈论战地儿童,谈论他们做的事情,和我们在筹款的事情。于是他们开始筹款了,这很温馨。
And I think there's sort of something very simple to children. They don't need to... you don't need to explain to a child why it's unjust that some children have a different life to them. They just think everyone should be the same.我觉得对孩子们来说,有些事情很简单。他们不需要......你不需要向孩子解释为什么有些孩子的生活与他们不同是不公平的。他们只是觉得每个人都应该是一样的。
So Evee will say well why do girls not get to go to school in Afghanistan, that's crazy. And my son will say, well why are there children hiding under the ground in the Ukraine, that's... that must be horrible, that must be so scary and it doesn't make sense to them, and it really shouldn't make sense to any of us.伊芙会说,为什么阿富汗的女孩不能上学,这太疯狂了。我儿子会说,为什么乌克兰有孩子躲在地底下,那......那一定很可怕,一定很吓人,对他们来说这毫无道理,对我们任何人来说都毫无道理。
So Eevee, my daughter recently on holiday. We were in a house where there was sort of street traffic outside, so she thought great opportunity to make some money. So she thinks she's a little ambassador, so she put together a stool and they made perfume which was grass, dishwasher, tablets and some sort of salad dressing. And my son was selling rocks, rocks from the garden.我女儿最近在度假。我们住在一栋外面车水马龙的房子里,所以她觉得这是个赚钱的好机会。她觉得自己是个小大使,就拼了一张凳子,他们做了草香水、洗碗机、药片和某种沙拉酱。我儿子则在卖石头,从花园里捡来的石头。
And anyway, so somehow they managed to sell this perfume and rocks and they made 90 pounds and 40 pence which was I know surprising. But it was amazing. They were so excited, so I said, oh let's make a video and tell Rob. And so we made a video for Rob and Eevee said, we made 90 pounds and 40 pence. But the 40 pence doesn't really count, because you know it's 40 pence.总之,他们设法卖掉了香水和石头,赚了90英镑40便士。我知道这很让人意外,但这也太神奇了。他们太兴奋了,于是我说我们拍个视频告诉罗伯吧。然后我们给罗伯拍了一段视频,依芙说,我们赚了90英镑40便士。但那40便士应该不算数,因为你知道那就是可怜的40便士。
And Rob sent a video back and he said, Congratulations, that's amazing. You must be very good fundraisers. And the 40 pence actually does really account, because in Afghanistan, 40 pence is enough to buy a kilo of rice which will feed a family for 3 days.罗布回了一段视频,他说恭喜你,你们真的太棒了,你们这个筹款人的角色做的很棒。而这40便士确实很重要,因为在阿富汗,40便士足够买一公斤大米,足够一个家庭吃3天。
And she was completely flawed and she ran outside and she redoubled her efforts. And it made me want to redouble my efforts and it reminded me that everyone, all of us here tonight have the ability to impact the life of a child who needs our support.她听到之后完全崩溃了,跑到外面加倍努力(做义卖)。这也让我想加倍努力,同时也提醒我,今晚在座的每一位都有能力影响需要我们支持的孩子的生活。
And I'm absolutely certain that this beautiful, vital, all inspiring charity that I'm so privileged to represent will make very good use of that 40 pence.我坚信且有幸代表的这个美丽、充满活力、鼓舞人心的慈善机构一定会很好地利用这40便士。
So thank you for giving us a platform to talk about this work. And have a lovely evening.谢谢你们给我们这个平台来讨论这项工作。祝您今晚愉快!

