10 Sea shells 海贝

10 Sea shells 海贝


10   Seashells 海贝
She sells seashells on the seashore.    她在海滩上卖海贝。

The shells that she sells are seashells.  她卖的贝壳是海贝。

So if she sells seashells on the seashore.所以,如果她在海滩上卖海贝。

I’m sure that the shells are seashore seashells.我确信那些贝壳是海滩上的海贝。

11   How Much? 多少?
How much is that pencil in the window?  橱窗里的那支铅笔多少钱?

1 dollar is all it will be.                   一支只要 1 美元。

A pencil is missing from my schoolbag.  我书包里的一支铅笔不见了。

How much is that eraser in the window? 橱窗里的那块橡皮多少钱?

2 dollar is all it will be.                    一块只要 2 美元。

An eraser is missing from my schoolbag. 我书包里的一块橡皮不见了。

How much is that ruler in the window?  橱窗里的那把尺子多少钱?

3 dollar is all it will be.                  一把只要 3美元。

A ruler is missing from my schoolbag.    我书包里的一把尺子不见了。

How much is that sharpener in the window? 橱窗里的那把卷笔刀多少钱?

4 dollar is all it will be.                       一把只要 4美元。

A sharpener is missing from my schoolbag.  我书包里的一把卷笔刀不见了。

How much? Oh! How much?             多少钱,噢!多少钱?

How much will all these things cost me?  这些东西一共要花多少钱?

12  You Have One, I Have One.   你拍一,我拍一
You have one, I have one.       你拍一,我拍一

Two little children see a bun.    两个小孩看见只馒头。

You have two, I have two.        你拍二,我拍二

Four little children go to school.  四个小孩上学校。

You have three, I have three.     你拍三,我拍三

Six little children plant many trees. 六个小孩去种树。

You have four, I have four.           你拍四,我拍四

Eight little children stand at the door. 八个小孩站门口。

You have five, I have five.           你拍五,我拍五

Ten little children stand in a line.   十个小孩站一排。

13  Twinkle,Twinkle, Little Star 一闪一闪小星星

Twinkle, twinkle, little star. 一闪一闪小星星。

How I wonder what you are. 我想知道你是什么。

Up above the world so high,  高高挂在天空上,

Like a diamond in the sky.   好象钻石在天上。

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.  一闪一闪小星星,

How I wonder what you are. 我想知道你是什么。

