第2043期:College Board Changes AP Black History Class

第2043期:College Board Changes AP Black History Class


High school students in the United States can earn college credits by taking and passing Advanced Placement (AP) courses. The classes, developed by The College Board, cover many subjects, including English, history, math, and sciences among others. 

美国的高中生可以通过参加并通过大学先修课程 (AP) 课程来获得大学学分。 这些课程由美国大学理事会开发,涵盖许多科目,包括英语、历史、数学和科学等。 

This week, the non-profit organization released a new set of ideas and skills, called a framework, for its AP African American Studies course. The latest version comes months after the organization was criticized for discussing course requirements with conservative critics. 

本周,这个非营利组织为其 AP 非裔美国人研究课程发布了一套新的想法和技能,称为框架。 最新版本是在该组织因与保守派批评者讨论课程要求而受到批评几个月后发布的。 

Changes include more attention to ideas such as the Tulsa Race Massacre, Black culture’s influence on film and sports, and discrimination in housing, known as redlining. The latest version will be used when the class officially launches at the start of the next school year. 

变化包括更加关注塔尔萨种族大屠杀、黑人文化对电影和体育的影响以及住房歧视(称为红线)等想法。 下一学年开始课程正式启动时将使用最新版本。 

The AP African American History course gained national attention earlier this year. At that time, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, currently a Republican presidential candidate, said he would ban the course in his state because it pushed political issues. Florida released a list of concerns it had with the pilot, an early version of a course. 

今年早些时候,AP 非裔美国人历史课程引起了全国的关注。 当时,佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(现任共和党总统候选人)表示,他将在该州禁止该课程,因为它会引发政治问题。 佛罗里达州发布了一份对试点项目的担忧清单,这是课程的早期版本。 

In February, the College Board released its first official version of the AP course. It did not contain several subjects on the list of Florida’s concerns, including Black Lives Matter, slavery reparations and several important Black writers. 

二月,美国大学理事会发布了 AP 课程的第一个正式版本。 它不包含佛罗里达州关注的几个主题,包括“黑人的命也是命”、奴隶制赔偿和几位重要的黑人作家。 

The board was then widely criticized for giving in to political pressure. The new changes pay attention to some of that criticism. 

随后,董事会因屈服于政治压力而受到广泛批评。 新的变化关注了其中的一些批评。

The latest version includes several important Black writers that were excluded, and written works about feminism and intersectionality. Intersectionality is the idea that race, gender, and class combine to create different levels of discrimination and privilege in society. 

最新版本包括几位被排除在外的重要黑人作家,以及有关女权主义和交叉性的作品。 交叉性是指种族、性别和阶级结合起来在社会中造成不同程度的歧视和特权。 

The College Board did not add back every subject that was removed earlier. The Black Lives Matter movement is still not included in the final test for the course. However, it is mentioned along with other examples and listed among subjects that schools could choose from for further discussion. 

大学理事会没有重新添加之前删除的所有科目。 “黑人生命也是命”运动仍未包含在该课程的最终测试中。 然而,它与其他示例一起被提及,并被列为学校可以选择进行进一步讨论的主题。 

Nelva Williams is a member of the course’s development committee. She has been a teacher for more than 40 years. She also taught a pilot class of AP African American Studies in Houston, Texas. 

内尔瓦·威廉姆斯是该课程开发委员会的成员。 她当老师已有 40 多年了。 她还在德克萨斯州休斯顿教授了 AP 非裔美国人研究试点班。 

Williams said, “The updates are based on teacher recommendations, and changes coincide with the latest scholarship and resources used at the collegiate level.” 


Rashad Shabazz teaches several courses related to race at Arizona State University. He said the course provides students with the basics to understand the field of African-American studies. But it does not contain in-depth theoretical discussions that are more common at the college level. 

拉沙德·沙巴兹 (Rashad Shabazz) 在亚利桑那州立大学教授几门与种族相关的课程。 他说,该课程为学生提供了了解非裔美国人研究领域的基础知识。 但它不包含大学层面更常见的深入理论讨论。 

Next year, the AP course will be available to all schools in the U.S. But it remains unclear how many will offer it. Holly Stepp, a spokesperson for the College Board, said they are pleased with the interest that has been expressed in the course. 

明年,美国所有学校都将开设 AP 课程,但目前尚不清楚有多少学校会开设该课程。 美国大学理事会发言人霍莉·斯特普 (Holly Stepp) 表示,他们对人们对该课程表现出的兴趣感到高兴。 

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