


Elementary ‐ I Can See Clearly Now (B0020) 

A: Hello, Arthur. What seems to be the problem? 

B: Hey doc. Well, I think I might need glasses. I’m getting headaches, and I really struggle to see things that are far away. But I have always had 20/20 vision. 

A: Sounds like you may be far-sighted. OK, then, cover your left eye and read the chart in front of you. 

B: Mmm.. . X, E, R, 3, a question mark, and I can’t quite make out the other symbol but I think it’s the peace sign. 

A: Wow, Arthur! You’re as blind as a bat! 

B: Yeah, I know, my vision is really blurry at times. 

A: Ok then, head on over to the other room and pick out some frames while I fill out your prescription. 

B: Thanks doc! 

A: Arthur, that’s the bathroom. 

  • 1851380karx

    ① appears or is→seems to be try very hard→struggle prefect eye sight→20/20 vision see→make out see faraway things more clearly than things nearby→far-sighted have a really poor vision→as blind as a bat ability to see things→vision not clear→blurry choose→pick out

  • Fried_eggs

    appears or is: seem to be. try very hard: struggle. perfect eyesight: 20/20 vision. see: make out. See far away things more clearly than things nearby: far-sighted. Have really poor vision: as blind as a bat. Ability to see things: vision. Not clear: blurry. Choose: pick out. A message written by a doctor that tells people what medicine to take: prescription.

  • Fried_eggs

    Seem to be: Trevor seems to be getting sick, he has a fever. Struggle: she was struggling to find a new job. Make out: I can't make out what this says, the writing is too small. Prescription: Here's your prescription, make sure you take the right amount of pills every day.

  • 1851380karx

    ③ Here is your prescription. Make sure you take the right amount of the pills every day. Trevor 特雷弗(男名)

  • 1851380karx

    ② a message written by a doctor that tells people what medicne to take→prescription 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉 Trevor seems to be getting sick. He has a fever. She was struggling to find a new job. I can't make out what this says. The writing is too small.

  • 1380498rtel