凯特王妃 | 2015年首次儿童心理健康周致辞

凯特王妃 | 2015年首次儿童心理健康周致辞


The challenges facing children in the UK today can often feel overwhelming.当今英国儿童所面临的挑战常常让人感到不知所措。
Both William and I have seen that many young people are struggling to cope with the impact of bullying, bereavement, domestic violence, family breakdown and more.威廉和我都看到许多年轻人正疲于应对欺凌、丧亲之痛、家庭暴力、家庭破裂等带来的影响。
Without support, the effects of these challenges can be traumatic, leading to serious issues such as anxiety, depression, addiction and self-harm.如果得不到支持,这些挑战可能会对他们造成创伤,导致焦虑、抑郁、成瘾和自残等严重问题。
The stigma around mental health means that many children do not get the help that they so badly need. This needs to change. That is why the charity Place2Be is asking us all to talk openly this week.心理健康方面的污名化意味着许多儿童得不到他们急需的帮助。这些情况必须改变。这就是慈善组织Place2Be要求我们在本周公开讨论的原因。
We need to help young people and their parents understand that it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help.我们需要帮助年轻人和他们的父母,让他们明白寻求帮助并不是怯弱的表现。
A child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health and deserves the same quality of support.孩子的心理健康和身体健康一样重要,也应该得到同等标准的支持。
No one would feel embarrassed about seeking help for a child if they broke their arm and we really should be equally ready to support a child coping with emotional difficulties.如果一个孩子摔断了胳膊,没有人会为寻求帮助而感到难为情,而我们也确实应该为有情感困难的孩子提供同样的支持。
Through Place2Be I have seen the benefits of offering children support for their mental health in the safety of the school environment.通过Place2Be,我看到了在安全的学校环境中为儿童提供心理健康支持的好处。
William and I sincerely believe that early action can prevent problems in childhood from turning into larger ones later in life. That is why we’re both supporting Place2Be this Children’s Mental Health Week, and I hope you’ll join us.威廉和我真诚地相信,及早采取行动可以防止儿童时期的问题在日后演变成更大的问题。这就是我们在这个儿童心理健康周支持Place2Be组织的原因,我希望您也能加入我们。
Together, with open conversations and greater understanding, we can ensure that attitudes towards mental health change and children receive the support they deserve.通过坦诚的对话和更多的了解,我们可以确保改变人们对心理健康的态度,确保儿童得到他们应得的支持。

