Notes1 Apart from those who have sought

Notes1 Apart from those who have sought

1 Apart from those who have sought to construct an area of body studies (e.g. Turner,
1984; Frank, 1991; Synnott, 1993; Shilling, 1993), publications have highlighted the social and
medical consequences of interactions between culture and biology (e.g. Hirst and Woolley,
1982; Freund, 1982; Turner, 1991a; Wilkinson, 1996, 2000; Elstad, 1998; Newton, 2003a,
2003b; Williams et al., 2003; Williams, 2003a, 2003b), the structural, communicative, political
and interpretive dimensions of embodiment (e.g. Johnson, 1983; O’Neill, 1985), and genealogies of contemporary forms of embodiment (Feher et al., 1989; Laqueur, 1990; Sennett, 1994;
Sawday, 1995; Hillman and Mazzio, 1997; Mellor and Shilling, 1997). In addition, feminist and
post-modernist writings have examined the power relationships surrounding female and male
patterns of embodiment, while theorists have sought to construct a new body ethics (e.g.Butler, 1990, 1993; Diprose, 1994; Grosz, 1994; Frank, 1995; Kirby, 1997; Shildrick, 2002).
Others have studied the senses and the embodied nature of emotions (e.g. Scarry, 1985; Howes,
1991; Classen, 1993; Bendelow and Williams, 1998; Burkitt, 1999; Craib, 1997; Shilling, 2002),
and critically interrogated traditional Western conceptions of the mind/body relationship
(Burkitt, 1991, 1999, 2002; Crossley, 2001). There has been a flourishing of work on the relationships between ageing, masculinity, femininity and the body (Davis, 1995; Featherstone and
Wernick, 1995; Connell, 1995; Peterson, 1997; Watson, 2000), on health, illness, disability,
reproductive genetics and the body (e.g.Turner, 1995; Freund and McGuire, 1991; Peterson and
Bunton, 2001; Seymour, 1998; Ettorre, 2002), and on the ‘lived experience’ of the body subject (e.g. Young, 1980, 1998; Crossley, 1995, 2001; Wacquant, 1995; Nettleton and Watson,
1998; Ahmed and Stacey, 2001). Other writings have examined the medical management of
bodies (Martin, 1987, 1994), cultural geographies of embodiment (e.g. Rodaway, 1994; Ainley,
2001; Bale and Ph
