1 vacation days: the number of personal leave days you can take to go on vacation. 2 overseas: travel overseas is travel over the ocean to another country. 3 unpaid leave: time off without pay 4 notice: information in a bans 5 Do you have a second/sec/minute? I need to talk to you.
zhuzhu15 回复 @敏于行_iu: 6. in advance
6 Would you be okay with that? Are you all right with that? Would you be okay with us? I’m fine with that. 7 I was just wondering...:ask for a favor I was just hoping that... I was thinking of doing something
time off 休假时间 used up用完 unpaid leave准假停薪notice注意 留心 布告absence缺席thirtieth三十号
I actually love their voices more than what they talk about
萤火虫lalala 回复 @听友402811087: 感谢分享
听English Pod快一个星期啦! 真的一点负担都没有,听起来很轻松 这样的学习材料我真的很喜欢! May be I can finish it in the winter holiday!
I’ll need at least two months notice我要提前两个月得到通知
vampire_2s 回复 @ShawnH_H: 我基本每期听二十遍